Basic 4.9 Help?

Is there any documentation specifically showing how to use 4.9, starting with organizing content?
Thank you
Post edited by Geoffrey_Woodget on
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Is there any documentation specifically showing how to use 4.9, starting with organizing content?
Thank you
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You can try going through the wiki
Althought it's a bit convoluted.
As far as organization that will depend if you plan on organizing using only Smart content, or if you're talking on the folder/file level.
Organization is really going to depend on your personal taste and workflow.
Inebriated primate-
(or anybody)
What confuses me (among volumns) is how you organize in Daz Studio. In Poser you create multiple runtimes to do it creating/re-naming folders as necessary. In Daz, do you install all to one folder (My Das Studio 4.9 for the newer stuff for example) just right click > organize on each product, and then make sure you're database is backed up??
Question 2- Create 3 Libraries?
Poser creates a standard "Default" (Runtime folder,. (it only makes one,..) ..not multiple.
Modern versions of poser now create that Runtime folder in "My documents" rather than within the program folder.
Products are built to be installed into either Poser or DazStudio folder structure, (not randomly installed to a folder you created)
If you have Both Poser and Daz Studio,.
You can install using DIM,. and it'll install your products into the programs they were designed for.
There's no need to create multiple runtime folders, for any application,. and with Daz Studio, you can create "Virtual" categories, where you can happily spend your creative time by organizing all the dresses you have into different colours or styles.
Poser Dson companion files
If you don't use Poser,. just select and hide these files. ,. If you do use poser,. install them where they were designed to be installed. (use DIM to ensure that)
DS3 legacy (can be installed into whatever version of Daz Studio or Poser you have)
these files were built when Poser and Daz3D products worked in both applications.
DS4+ files need to be installed into Daz Studio,. if you don't use poser,. don't install the DSON or Poser Companion Files,. just hide them.
hope that makes sense
Thank you 3DAge-
Except I don't understand how you would possibly find anything in the Poser Program if you had say, a 2 terrabyte sized runtime that wasn't organized into multiple ones. Imported into Daz Studio 4 I could see with the metadata....
And secondly, you can install DS products into the Poser program (old style installers- not Dson)??
OK Please follow though with me as I may messed up stuff uninstalling and trying to organize stuff. To answer you question: I only used DIM to install the items I got free form DS and Carrara 8.5 pro. My really old exe's I let them install so no i did not fully use DIM which made my horrible mess. Also I uninstalled everything to get a clean start.
1. In DS/ Content Directory manager I no longer see any sub directories under the Poser Formats. Can I get this back?
2. Do you really use DIM to install the old Victoria 4 content with DIM? I was told to make a separate library with a fake Poser.exe file and install to there.
3. I will be installing a lot of old content as upi see fom my list and like Geoffrey_Woodget I am worried that installing a terabyte of old poser stuff (see my list above) will just give me a mess again. Thoughts?
I am starting fresh and really want an organized data base. Thanks!
I'm so confused too RFY-
Ithink that 3DAge is saying to use DIM to make sure everything goes where it's supposed to. That would mean ALL products for DS4.5+, DS4, DS3, Dson, and Poser would go to 'My Daz 3D Library.
I thought it was best to keep DS3 & Poser to it's own seperate runtimes/Libraries. Plus I can't understand not needing to make multiple runtimes for huge Libraries in Poser, for Poser.
I'm starting fresh too at making these various runtimes, and would like to do them right this time.
It's too bad there isn't a 'New User' Forum. These aren't real difficult questions.
The actual content files are NOT the database! They are, for the most part organized how they NEED to be.
The actual database creates links to those files...the included metadata is based on where it should be, if installed in the default, as packed location. Also, it's based on relative path information, so as long as the content folder is properly mapped, it will find the items in it.
It is also advisible to NOT use exe installers as much as possible...if you have exe installers for content you bought through the store...don't use them, but rather go to your product library, in your account, and redownload the item (either with the DIM or manually)...the biggest reason for this is that the old installers have not been updated in years and do not have any fixes applied (this includes fixes to directory structure when installed). If you can't avoid using an exe installer then set up a 'dummy' folder to install to and then manually copy the CONTENTS of that folder to your designated content library.
DIM will install content to any and as many library folders you like. It can automatically install plug-ins and and similar add-ons to the appropriate program folders if the programs location is defined in the Application tab of Preference section. It will not automatically sort and install general content by program though, for that make sure you have the Show Details box checked so that you switch libraries when installing the content.