Adding Meta Data in Daz Now.

Allright, I've now had the latest version of Daz for a while and am growing frustrated by the changes to metadata. I lost all of the custom meta data I had added before the update and at first wasn't so mad about this as the company said they were going through and were going to be adding Metadata to everything in the product data. This seemed true at first as every week there were new things with updated meta data, but it seems now for at least a month or more I've seen almost no products in my library (and I have alrge number) have meta data added. There's nothing really I can do about that, so I need to figure out what I can now add meta data too (as I prefer to use the meta data pane, especially for poses since I now have too many files to run through the library and try and remember what I have.)
I'm hoping you all can help me re-learn how to add meta data to stuff in the latest version of daz, since the ways I knew don't seem to work. I need to know how to get Daz and none daz products into my smart pane, but I'd like to take it one step at a time.
First, how do I go about getting poses I have purchased through Daz3d that does not currently have built in smart content Metadata?
Adding metadata to poses is fairly easy.
How do you install DAZ products? DIM, DAZ Connect or Manual?
List one or more products that you'd like to add metadata to.
At this point I have to instal stuff through a combination of DIM and DazConnect. Half the stuff I buy never shows up through Daz Connect (which is INCREDIBLY frustrating), so I have to revert to doing so through DIM.
Okay, looking to grab one of the poses packs I recently purchased as an example to be walked through I've dicovered that everything from my last few orders does in fact have metadata through Daz Connect, it is just not showing up in the Available/Update/Pending panes, I'm having to go through the ALL pane and sort through everyhting looking for what to be downloaded (again, anoyaing but at least the stuff is there).
On a related not, what is the differnce between an item that has the circle in the top right corner with a down arrow and the ones that have a curved arrow? Is one a simple download and one an update?
So... now that I found where all the proper downloads for Daz Connect were hiding it does, in fact, look like everything I have purchased really does have meta data. I just had to re-downlaod a lot of the stuff I used DIM to download to get the MEta data.
So I guess I need to learn how to make meta data (or the whatever is now available) for third party poses.
Black and Whte Icon with circle/down arrow = NOT installed with DIM nor DAZ Connect.
Colored icon iwth circle/down arrow = Product is installed with DIM, but is available to install with DAZ Connect. If you decide you want to have that product managed by DAZ Connect, primarily for updates, uninstall with DIM, otherwise it would be installed twice taking up drive space x 2.
I don't have anything with the curved arrow at the moment, but if you click on the Smart Content, update and see tag there, then yes, that is probably means an update is available.
The ALL/Installed/Available/Updates/Pending groupings at the bottom of the Smart Content/Products tab are the key to using DAZ Connect. Make sure you click on the ALL category at the top of the Category list when using the groupings and the Filter by Context on the lower left is NOT checked.
There are many tutorials (in the forums) and videos (on youtube) on how to add metadata, have you discovered any of those yet?
I understand what those groups mean, but my problem was that most things I purchased were ONLY showing up under the ALL tab and NEVER under the available/updates tab even when I could see that they could be downloaded through ALL (which was a recent discovery).
Can you point me to a tutorial that works for the current version of Daz? None of the ways that used to work for me work any more, and I tried looking up a few but only found old ones that currently don't seem to do anyhting.
Here are a couple of Youtube videos on how to add Metadata:
Hum, I'm having no problems using the Smart Content tab group buttons to sort the DAZ Connect status of products. I bought many of the Mortum Vetus products and I see them on the Available group ready to download. Once downloaded, I create shortcuts from the Smart Content tab to the DAZ Studio Formats Content Library and assign metadata if needed. I work primarily from the Content Library, but I like the product management aspects of DAZ Connect and that my Content Library is neat and tidy with user placed content shortcuts.
Thanks for those links, Lindsey. The second one helped me with the problem of my Product icons not showing up. It seems you have to re-import metadata for the product you created (Content DB Maintenance/Re-import metadata) then the product icon will be loaded in SC and Products.
There is still a problem though in that the product icon I created shows a gap at top and bottom, despite it being the regulation size (110 x 143/114 x 148). I see the creator of the tutorial also had that problem (but didn't mention it). The attached shows what I mean.