3 newbie questions

Rascal3DRascal3D Posts: 290


I have been using Daz Studio 4.8 over the past week and have 3 questions:

(1) At some point, my cursor in the 3D viewport got bigger and now it obliterates smaller parts of the G3F/G3M anatomy such as fingers and eyes -- making it difficult to pose these parts.  How do I control the size of the cursor or its visiblility?  Currently it is an icon with the 3 axes and a large, white cube.

(2) How do I add a tab to the tabs on the left hand side of the screen (i.e., where the content tab is located)?  Specifically, I want to add the Weight Tool tab to this area.  Currently, I am using the weight tool as a left-click pop-up menu in the 3D viewport.

(3) I am having problems with weight mapping.  After rigging a tentacle, I start painting the weight map for each segment.  But when I go back to the first segment, it now has 'spotty' weights from other segments and vice versa -- each segment have 'spotty' weight-maps from other regions of the figure.  Why is this happening?  On my first pass to establish the weight maps for each segment, I am sure that I did not paint on the other segments.  Also, unlike some of the tutorials that I have seen/read, when I select an individual segment the rest of the model does not turn blue (i.e., no influence) but stays gray in color (basic diffuse map with no imported texture).  I only observe blue on the periphery of the segment that I am weight mapping.  Is this normal or am I doing something wrong?

Thanks, now back to posing...


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    1) That depends on the tool in use - if you are going to pose with the sliders the Node Selection Tool has no widget at all but allows node selection.

    2) Make sure Pane Docking/Undocking isn't locked (in Window>Workspace). If not, to add one pane to an existing pane group drag and drop by its tab; to dock as a new pane group drag it by the top window frame bar until the dock area shows a line in the highlight colour, then drop.

    3) On the colour, DS switched to using sparse weight maps - unmapped areas show grey, and have no value asdsociated with them (but are implicitly zero). Is the spottiness affecting the bending or is it a visual arrtefact only?

  • Rascal3DRascal3D Posts: 290

    Hi Richard,

    Thank you for your help. 

    With regards to the last problem, when I bend 'segment one', it affects some (random) polygons associated with the other segments in the hierarchy.  When I would select the bones on these other segments, I would see additional, and apparently randomly distributed, weight map zones that were not part of the original weight map.  I can fix some of these by going back and subtracting these areas, but I am trying to understand if I am missing something in setting up the initial weight maps.  I have been following Blondie9999's excellent "Rigging Original Figures in DAZ Studio 4 Pro", but obviously I am still learning.



  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    Are you sure the groups for the bones are correct, with no stray polygons? Did you paint the maps, or did you use the Fill by selection group command?

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