Opinion on my soon to be new system
Ok ...I'm upgrading from my i7 laptop. Just ordered the components: i7 4790, asus MB expandible to 32 gig ram, 16 gig ram, nividia middle of the road card (i think 670). I guess my question is would an ssd be worth it. From what I've been reading it seems to load files and boot faster but no benefit in rendering. My plan is to move my 1 gig 7200 hard drive on over to this new system, using the legendary outside the box method. If that doesn't work I'll just reload the OS and start from scratch. Will be running windows 7.
You will certainly need to reinstall Windows.
The main benefits of SSDs, as I understand it, are in boot and launch time - if you don't do a lot of powering up and down or application switching it won't save you much time across a day.
you will need to deactive that copy of windows on the hard drive to install it to a new computer
before you do this you may wish to contact microsoft.
Well, how about sysprep? I understand that this uninstalls all drivers. Then switch the motherboard, and boot up and it will search for new drivers for the new MB.. There is also this program called paragon adaptive recovery, which if you boot to that loaded on usb or CD, will mate the hard drive to the motherboard.
whatever that tech is called now it is always known as Plug and Pray for a reason.
get the drivers on a flash drive before you put your trust in Win 7 to administrate your pit crew.
Win 7 is possibly the best OS MS ever released but it is not without it's flaws.
A lot of the drivers will be different with the new MB. What sysprep is supposed to do is revert the OS to the first time you start it up, so it doesn't see the new MB as alien. I admittedly never used it. It will be a great adventure. If it doesn't work, I'll just reload windows 7. I have the key through magic jelly bean, so it shouldn't be a big deal if I have to reload the OS. I am curious as to whether sysprep will work. MS calls it going outside the box.