Is Genesis 3 Just Too New?

KeikuKeiku Posts: 143

I've been playing around with Genesis 3 quite a bit lately and really like her, but content seems to be a bit slim compaired with Genesis 2. Most importantly the FREE content. Especially hair. I don't think I've found one piece of free hair for Genesis 3. Anyone know something I don't? I don't mind paying for things sometime, but everyone likes getting things free.


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    She's not quite a year old...and typically, the amount of content, especially free, doesn't really start developing until after that first year mark.

  • RenomistaRenomista Posts: 921

    Hair fiting to Genesis2 is in most cases autofitting to Genesis3 pretty well

  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

    I agree. Gen3 is pretty cooperative with Gen 2 hair and clothing.

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