ZForarm Unlocker for G3 Pose Converter?

DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

What is it, what does it mean and how do i apply it? I tried looking it up in My Content but nothing pulled up. Thanks for the help :)


  • FerretmaniaFerretmania Posts: 883

    I assume you've bought the genesis 2 to genesis 3 pose converter  .

    It's a script you apply to your genesis 3 figure before using the poses you converted from genesis 2 . Somebody else can probably explain why it's necessary better than me , since English isnøt my native language :) 

    Select your genesis 3 figure in the scene tab and then doubleclick the script to apply it  , a small window will pop up and tell you it's been applied, click ok ,then apply whichever pose you have converted and want to use.


  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404
    edited March 2016

    Step 1: Select the Character

    Step 2: Double Click the script? Where is the script? Where do I find it so I can double click it? I already selected the poses and converted them. Where is the ZForarm Unlocker?

    Post edited by DDCreate on
  • FerretmaniaFerretmania Posts: 883

    If you're using Daz 4.9, then in your smart content tab ,scroll down and open your scripts folder, then double click on the poseconverter folder and the script is the second one with the picture saying "Z Forearm Rotate"


    Make sure the "filter by context" box is unchecked.

    371 x 360 - 31K
    376 x 364 - 32K
  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

    Thank you sooo much!! Its been driving me crazy. And your English is just fine!!

  • FerretmaniaFerretmania Posts: 883

    Thanks :) And you're welcome, glad I could help.

  • IsaacNewtonIsaacNewton Posts: 1,300

    Thanks for this info. Frankly, I'm very disappointed that this info is not included in the product zip file; both the PA and DAZ3d should have made sure this was so!

  • IsaacNewtonIsaacNewton Posts: 1,300

    When I double click on the ZForarm Unclocker icon, I get an error message: "An error occurred while reading the file...."

    The log file says :

    2017-12-06 08:09:14.078 Error in script execution: D:/DS4 Content/Content/Scripts/Genesis 2 to Genesis 3 Pose Converter/ZForearm Unlocker.dsa

    2017-12-06 08:09:19.409 Loading script: D:/DS4 Content/Content/Scripts/Genesis 2 to Genesis 3 Pose Converter/ZForearm Unlocker.dsa

    2017-12-06 08:09:19.409 WARNING: Script Error: Line 2

    2017-12-06 08:09:19.409 WARNING: TypeError: Result of expression 'oSelected' [null] is not an object.

    2017-12-06 08:09:19.409 WARNING: Stack Trace:

    <anonymous>()@D:/DS4 Content/Content/Scripts/Genesis 2 to Genesis 3 Pose Converter/ZForearm Unlocker.dsa:2

    2017-12-06 08:09:19.425 Error in script execution: D:/DS4 Content/Content/Scripts/Genesis 2 to Genesis 3 Pose Converter/ZForearm Unlocker.dsa

    I'm using DS4.10.0.122

    Any suggestions?

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