Aiming the camera

vindazivindazi Posts: 670

When aiming the camera through the camer view I notice it changes as I select or deselect tabs. How do I get a frame that tells me exactly what is in the cameras view from a window that I can manipulate?


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    Click the lined button at top-right of the viewport to get the option menu and enable Show Aspect frame. Note, however, that if your render Dimension Preset is set to Active Viewport then the actual render size is changing and thsi won't help.

  • vindazivindazi Posts: 670



    How do I delete all of the keyframes at once. I need to start over.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    Use the Edit>Figure>Clear Animation or Edit>Object>Clear Animation menus with all items selected.

  • vindazivindazi Posts: 670


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