Editing Daz morphs in blender.

WoolaWoola Posts: 27

I'm new to creating morphs and I've got some morphs dialed in but I want to edit some parts of them. I was wondering if I could import the model to blender and morph it there before importing it back into DAZ and dialing it in and how I would go about it. The model i'm using is genesis 3 female and I'm trying to edit some of the muscle morphs in a way, adding in more details and changing the shape. WIth those muscle morphs dialed in can I edit them in blender or do I have to make the muscles from scratch? This is only for my own use with creating renders.

Any help would be great :)


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Yes, it is possible...but the process depends somewhat on what the morphs are (regular or HD morphs).  And if it isn't going to be for redistribution, it is actually a bit easier.

    You could dial in the morphs you want, then export an obj version of the entire figure.  This needs to be done at the base resolution...which is where the whether or not they are HD morphs matters.  To bring the edited morph back into Studio, it will only accept base resolution morphs.   At base resolution, HD morphs don't add very much at all.  Also the base resolution restriction prevents subdividing in Blender and hoping to import that divided morph back in...

  • WoolaWoola Posts: 27

    They are all regular morphs that I'm using. I'm just trying to create more volume in certain areas that I think is lacking. What are the export settings for getting into blender? I tried editing something but as soon as I started morphing the model actually pulled itself apart like certain parts weren't attached. I also tried dialing in a test morph, basically creating a morph out of the model I was exporting and then trying it on a blank genesis 3 and it acted weird in posing, fingers elongated like spagheti and bends didn't look right. Maybe I did something wrong there :(

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited March 2016

    The Blender export option for Studio isn't quite right any longer...

    Here's the settings I use.


    Here's the Blender import options.

    When using MorphLoader to bring it back in, use the same as the Studio export settings.

    771 x 630 - 37K
    342 x 398 - 16K
    Post edited by mjc1016 on
  • WoolaWoola Posts: 27

    Thanks I'm trying it out now. Is there anything else I need to do after importing the new morph to make sure it works right? I'm very new to this.

  • WoolaWoola Posts: 27

    Okay that all worked awesome until it came to DAZ. Imported it, zeroed my figure, dialed in the morph and now the body is reacting like it's made of putty, stretching and squishing when you pose it. I'm guessing I'm missing something. So close!

  • WoolaWoola Posts: 27

    Nevermind I worked it out! Had to adjust the rigging! Thanks for the help! Now on to morphing! :D

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Um...the possiblity of needing to adjust the rigging to shape afterwards...but you found that one.

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