Rendering White Out
Hi, I have render this subject in the file attached, and I was trying to make the skin look more real, but no matter which slider or paramater I change in the rendering options menu it always render "very white". My question is, what parameters I have to change to render a more realistic skin? Is a question of lights? Or is a question of skin that I used. I have used a Genesis 3 Female with the skin from a model called LY Storm. Do I have to buy any package like Dramatic Iray Lights or EcVh0 Iray Skin Shader for Genesis 3 Female(s), to change the look of the skin when I render? The iRay setting to render LY Storm don't look to me that they come with any lights. So, again, why so white. Thanks for your help, maybe you can point me in the right direction.
Are youy using Iray or 3Delight? If 3Delight, and if it's pure white, are you sure it isn't throwing an error in the progress bar? Switch to the application window instead of the render and click the Show History button.
Hi, no the LY Storm comes with a Iray preset and I'm rendering with Iray I forgot to attach the file. I have done it now, sorry.
Looks over exposed...
What are your render settings and what lights are you usng?
Well, that is the thing mjc1016. Is the Iray preset setting that came with the LY Storm model. I have tried to change somme setting before rendering, but not change. I did not use any light myself. What I'm trying to achieve is a more natural looking skin. There is any package that can help me with that, or is just a question of change some of the preset settings. But which one? Thanks.
Are you rendering through a Camera or through Perspective View? If you're using Perspective then the image will be too bright because there is a headlamp always present in the render when you use Perspective View. Add a camera (menu - Create ... Camera) and set the Headlamp "off" in camera parameters and try rendering through that.
If you are already doing this, then sorry I'm stumped.
No, thanks. I'm really a newbie, and I tried to read the manual, but sometimes is more difficult than the program, for me. I'll guess maybe one day I take a course or something. Very Good Tip, Thank You. No I did not add any camera, see? So I guess I'm rendering through perspective. I'm going to try your tip, and let you know the outcome. I'm just rendering with the setting of the preset of LY Storm, if that makes sense. But I begin to think that I'm confusing skin textures with rendering setting. What do they mean when the vendor says a character comes already with Iray setting? They talk about the skin or the rendering settings? LY Storm, for example, comes with 3DL no HD, 3DL HD, Iray no HD, Iray HD. Are they not rendering settings? Very confused, sorry. Last question. When you say through the camera, do you mean that then I will be able to change the photocamera setting in the surface tab before rendering? Things like exposure, stops, and so on. Because they do make a lot more sense to me, as I'm an hobbyst photographer. Thanks Again.
Yes, you really must create a camera to render with (Create menu, Camera). Once that is in your scene and selected you can go to it's Parameters (not Surfaces) where you will see quite a number of options including the photographic controls that you are used to. Most importantly you will see a Headlamp control: turn Headlamp Control to Off. The headlamp is a light that will appear in the render, but you have virtually no control over it, and it's essential you have full control of your lights. If you are viewing through the camera the scene will likely go black; that's fine—press Ctrl-L to turn the scene light on (this will not affect your render). Note there is also a Cameras tab/pane which you can add to your workspace and this enables you to select a camera whether it is selected in the scene tab or not, which is handy if you adjust camera parameters a lot.
As for the material settings, if you are using Iray then of course you should make sure that Iray materials are loaded on your model, if they exist. If the model doesn't have Iray materials there are ways to fix this but I won't go into that now. These aren't render settings per se, they are shader presets which effect how your surfaces will look in a particular renderer. In the case of LY Storm you can see there are Iray materials, but they are divided into HD or no HD. HD is high definition and the presets will turn on higher subdivision of the mesh (2 or 3 levels) and apply high definition sculpts to the mesh (e.g wrinkles, smaller skin details, sharper muscle definition, etc.). Why have the option not to have HD? Well this is mainly because HD uses quite a bit more memory to render and particularly if you are using GPU to render you may not have enough memory to render HD figures, and if the figure is not in the foreground it's a waste as the HD details will probably not be visible.
The Perspective View headlamp does respect the option in Render Settings, you don't have to use per-camera settings (though the other reasons for using a real camera remain).
Ok, thank you all. I think my mind . . is getting there! So it's good to use a camera and the presets that I'm talking about are shader presets, they do not change any setting in the render editor tab. If I have understood correctly. ☺ They just effect how a surface will look in a renderer. So, to achieve a nearly real looking skin, what do I have to do? Buy a model that comes with a shader preset that will look as nearly real skin after rendering? Are these shader presets available to buy? What about render setting and lights, to achueve what want. Ok, sorry, I'm not asking you to answer all this questions. If you can just point me in the right direction, like tutorials, ebooks, or any material that can help me. Thanks.