Bumpy Skin Surfaces

Hi guys, I need some help/advice on a bit of a problem I've come up against. I'm having major issues with a particular skin surface when rendering, the skin keeps coming up looking like orange peel, well actually you could even call it a golf ball effect, mainly the chest area but also, to a slighty lesser degree on the thighs, shoulders and tops of the arms. I've tried altering some of the surfaces but seem to be getting very little difference. I've tried 'bump', gloss roughness, translucency, top coat....etc, etc.
I've tried changing these settings both individually and also a mixture of them but still I'm getting this kind of 'golf ball' surface on my skin, can anyone suggest how I can flatten/smooth it out please?
Thanks... Jon T.
(Rendering in iRay)
I've seen alot of those lately. It is that there is not enough translucency and subsurface scattering in the model of the skin settings. You can look on an external search enough for nVidia Faceworks to similar illustrated examples.
Well, I've watched that and searched 'facework' but it's shown me absoultley nothing about how to cure my 'golf ball' skin.
Hard to be sure without seeing it, but as far as I know that could only be caused by a bump map or a normal map (it won't be displacement or HD at this level of detail, I'm pretty sure). You haven't mentioned looking at normal map settings—have you checked that? Should be easy to find as you will see a bright blue square in the image slot.
Need to turn down the percentage of the applied bump maps is all...