How to import a morph?
I created a morph and did save it as .dsf file. The file is now in a subfolder of the item inside "Morphs". But the morph doesn't appear in the parameters tab. I can't open or import it with file->open/merge. When creating a new property for the item I find no option to assign it.
How can the morph be loaded or what is necessary to get it visible?
1. What is the morph for, a figure? Which figure?
2. What is the morph itself, a shape of some sort? What does the morph do?
3. If this is for a figure, do you have the figure selected when you look for the parameter?
4. What path did you use when you did the parameter properties?
It is for gloves.
The morph adjust the position of the tip of each glove finger.
I tried both with selected figure and with selected gloves and can't find it. It also doesn't show up when searching by its name.
It was created a couple days ago and worked while the original project was still open. The path used is Actor.
Is there an error in the log file (Help>Troubleshooting>View Log) immediately after loading the item? If you enable Show Hidden Parameters in the Parameter pane option menu (lined button in the top corner or right-click on the tab) does the morph then appear?
Yes the log is rather long but I'm not sure what part is from now or earlier as even after a restart of daz it has the same length. I did a search for the morph name and it appears a couple times.
"WARNING: fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(4575): Could not find parent for modifier:"
"WARNING: fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(1381): Failed to prepare modifier:"
"WARNING: fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(1392): Failed to create modifier:"
Always ending with the morph name. I also tried to open the dsf file with an editor and everything is in hex while I'm able to open other morphs and read them.
I found the original project with the morph working and visible under parameters. To export that aren't I supposed to use File->Save As->Support Asset->Morph Assets and select the morph there? Because when doing so it creates the same .dsf with hex.
Ok the hex part was only because of compression option. I can open it now and the file looks normal but the morph doesn't appear outside the original project.
Sounds as if it is not properly set up - is the figure you are using it on a standard figure or one you created yourself?
It is a genesis 2 figure. Only the skin and shape is adjusted. The gloves are for genesis 1 with autofit. I tried to save it as a scene subset and add that to a new scene. When doing so the morph is visible. At least I got now a way to have it visible.