Daz 4.9 Installer Advice

Hi there,

Thought you might like a bit of advice here when using the installer.  Took me a while to figure cause I really new at this, but seen some discussions about this.  At first installation I could not access the Getting Started Tutorials.  I got an error saying that Genesis 3 Female Starter Essentials was missing.  Now at the original installer I thought that I had done that.  Obviously not.  I went back to the installer and selected required file plus a few others.  My line is not very fast, So here is a tip:

On the Ready to Download tab select the items you want, not too many, a few at a time. Don't try to install and download at the same time.  Get all your downloads into the Ready to Install Tab, then start the install.  Again, this will go much quicker, but still only do a few at a time.  

Take your time when installing.

I am thrilled with Daz3d so far.

Have a grand evening ♪♫♪ Merle

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