Imported new diffuse/bump/specular and so on but how to save?

nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

Hey, I've imported new diffuse/bump/specular and so on to replace the materials but how to save?

I see no options that look valid among the 'Save As...' 'Support Asset' list of options and among the Presets I see as possibilities

'Hierarchical Material(s) Preset...'

'Material(s) Preset...'

'Layered Image(s) Preset...'

but is it another one than those? While it prompt me to create a folder to gather the imported images too like the installed products have?

So all the new jpg files I've imported and assigned to the various Surfaces are in a temp DAZ 3D location and not in any type of folder of collected images like you see for products. Also I've noticed the drop down list of images to choose for for assign for surfaces of the new images I've added they are all missing the '.jpg' extention so instead of Head.jpg like the installed products will say it says only Head

Could someone advise please? I don't want to make my DAZ / Poser content install location any messier than it already is.



  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Material Preset.

    It will not move the jpg's -- what I would do is create a folder under Runtime/Textures for the files, move them there, then apply them to the model and save as a Materials Preset.  That way the preset will use relative paths.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    edited March 2016

    Thanks. I wasn't sure but why did it copy it to a temp DAZ work folder in Roaming rather than use the location I imported the originals from? And when I create a new folder in Runtime/Textures for the files and apply them to the model DAZ Studio will again copy them to the temp work location in Roaming I think.

    I will try and see what it does. Thanks again.

    Post edited by nonesuch00 on
  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Do not save a preset until you have the image files in a permanent location...or you will be doing it all over again.  Go to Runtime/Textures and create a folder in your name.  Then in that folder create a folder for the item.  Put all the image files there.  Then in the Surface tab go to that folder when assigning them.

    Then, after you have assigned the images, you can save as a Material or Hierarchical Material Preset.  Material preset for single items...

    Layered Image Preset is for when you've applied items in the LIE (Layered Image Editor).  You can also save as a Shader preset...but that is only going to save 1 surface, not all of them on an item.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    mjc1016 said:

    Do not save a preset until you have the image files in a permanent location...or you will be doing it all over again.  Go to Runtime/Textures and create a folder in your name.  Then in that folder create a folder for the item.  Put all the image files there.  Then in the Surface tab go to that folder when assigning them.

    Then, after you have assigned the images, you can save as a Material or Hierarchical Material Preset.  Material preset for single items...

    Layered Image Preset is for when you've applied items in the LIE (Layered Image Editor).  You can also save as a Shader preset...but that is only going to save 1 surface, not all of them on an item.


    1 Item for Material Preset as in a hairless and  naked model's textures and such and Hierarchical Materials Preset as in that model plus all their hair & clothing?

    What I actually did was take a naked model, copy the folder containing their images outside the DAZ Content location and then one by one for each surface add the new images in LIE and delete the old images from LIE, even though it was technically the same images for now so what needs to be saved is all those newly added images added in LIE as well as the various presets in the Surfaces locations that go with them. I'm wondering if I assigned the images to the surfaces correctly but I see no other way to assign except via LIE Editor.

    I will do it again as it's good practice.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    If you've gone through those is probably easier to actually do the overlays in Photoshop/GIMP and then save the edited textures.

    But yes....

    Shader Preset = Single Surface

    Material Preset = All surfaces of a single mesh.

    Hierachical Material Preset = Surfaces of a mesh and what it 'is wearing'

    Layered Image Preset = the LIE settings for an image in a surface (usually diffuse or bump/displacement over

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    edited March 2016
    mjc1016 said:

    If you've gone through those is probably easier to actually do the overlays in Photoshop/GIMP and then save the edited textures.

    But yes....

    Shader Preset = Single Surface

    Material Preset = All surfaces of a single mesh.

    Hierachical Material Preset = Surfaces of a mesh and what it 'is wearing'

    Layered Image Preset = the LIE settings for an image in a surface (usually diffuse or bump/displacement over

    So it sounds like to me a Layered Image Preset will only save the LIE setting for 1 surface of the model I edited but Materiel Preset will save all the newly assign images locations and the LIE settings in one Material Preset File.

    OK, so I saved as a Material Preset and for all but 3 of the 16 images I added and assigned to surfaces it add the .jpg extension to the assigned image name in the Surfaces tab and is using the original location where I imported the images from. Those 3 images are still using the images from the temp DAZ workspace in Roaming but I'll see if similar happens again when I repeat this exercise. I've found out that the LIE Editor does not like the same image for a surface to be edited twice once you add a new image to a surface so I guess that's a bit of a bug and the probable cause of my problem with those 3 images.

    So I can do now how you adviced and create a personal folder in Runtimes/Textures.

    Thanks very much.

    Post edited by nonesuch00 on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    Yeah, the instructions work & I was careful not to open the same surface property / image combination twice in Layered Image Editor so no references left behind in the Roaming temp location, they are all in the DAZ Library Content Runtimes/textures/<Nonesuch00>/Genesis 2/Genesis 2 Male/<Character>. Thanks. 

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Good deal...

    See, it isn't that hard...once you know where to put everything and how to get it there.  wink

    Now you can start cranking out presets for everything (time for a bigger hard drive). laugh

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    mjc1016 said:

    Good deal...

    See, it isn't that hard...once you know where to put everything and how to get it there.  wink

    Now you can start cranking out presets for everything (time for a bigger hard drive). laugh

    Yeah, I wait for affordable 2TB SSDs, one for system & one for backup. I have only a 223GB SSD and a 59GB SSD and they are filling up. 

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