Lip Color Help

OminousAutumnOminousAutumn Posts: 401
edited March 2016 in New Users

Can anyone tell me why I cannot seem to get light color lips on Cailin? I have her default lips03 selected which are just aboout the lightest shade of lips she has and yet they show up so dark regardless of the lighting. I have no make up selected so I am just at a loss as to why the lips always seems to show up as such a dark shade that do not seem to match what I have selected. I would like something flesh colored pink and light, a no lip stick look Essentially how it looks on the example. What am i doing wrong? I have double checked to make sure it is the Iray version. Please help!

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  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321

    How does the render look? The lips might appear lighter in iray.

  • the pic on the right is a low res render in iray...

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Can you post a screenshot of the Surface settings for the lips (the rest of the skin looks a bit off, too...but let's just concentrate on the lips for now).

  • OminousAutumnOminousAutumn Posts: 401
    edited March 2016

    These are the settings for the lips that loaded as deafault, I did not change anything.


    For the skin settings I simply copied the settings I found here ( but I am open to suggestions. I like very fair skin. In fact the default skin that comes with Cailin is far more fair than what I created with those settings but I did want to create a bit of shine and lighting depth if that makes sense. I did alter one parameter that did seem to make a difference which was the Transluceny Color, which I set at 1. - 1. -1. or all white to get rid of the pinkish hue. 

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  • TottallouTottallou Posts: 555

    Setting the translucency at 1 is the reason for the red lips  - Generally Cailin renders quite well out of the box and messing around with the Glossy settings can give her skin more sheen but If you like to do a lot of changing skin settings for models  then a great product to get you where you want quickly is Iray Smart Converter

    This is one I did of Cailin using this product but you could easly get a different look if this is not the skin type you are looking for - its actually fun trying different settings with this product plus the PA is very active in the forum if you have questions on it

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,875

    Absolutely beautiful, Tottallou!

  • Tottallou said:

    Setting the translucency at 1 is the reason for the red lips  - Generally Cailin renders quite well out of the box and messing around with the Glossy settings can give her skin more sheen but If you like to do a lot of changing skin settings for models  then a great product to get you where you want quickly is Iray Smart Converter

    This is one I did of Cailin using this product but you could easly get a different look if this is not the skin type you are looking for - its actually fun trying different settings with this product plus the PA is very active in the forum if you have questions on it

    Ok cool I will plan to get that package at your suggestion. I guess I wont even bother messing with lips bc it looks like the package will take care of that for me. However I satrted a render with the Translucency at 0,0,0...or black, and the lips were still very dark...? Anyhow hopefully buying this Smart Converter will take care of all these issues for me. Cheers.

  • TottallouTottallou Posts: 555
    edited March 2016

    Ok cool I will plan to get that package at your suggestion. I guess I wont even bother messing with lips bc it looks like the package will take care of that for me. However I satrted a render with the Translucency at 0,0,0...or black, and the lips were still very dark...? Anyhow hopefully buying this Smart Converter will take care of all these issues for me. Cheers.

    I think you will get a lot of use out the product & be pleased you bought it - I look forward to seeing your renders

    In the meantime you could try reloading the original Cailin Materials as when I load her & let it render using the HDR that comes with the Studio (No changes) she doesn't seem to have a dark lip problem -

    @Barbuilt - Thanks, Cailin is one of my favorites as Raiyas skins make life easier


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  • OminousAutumnOminousAutumn Posts: 401
    edited March 2016

    So I have purchased Smart Converter and loaded it and restarted question is, where are the controlling parameters for it? Hah, silly question as it is, I can't seem to find it. content...please help! Thnx :)


    Post edited by OminousAutumn on
  • OK I think i found it in Smart Conent :p

  • I am definitely finding these a bit confusing. Not noticing a difference when i double click. You mentioned a forum/chat? Is there an online manual of any sort? I think I definitely need some direction/tutorial on how to apply/use these for Mac. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers!

  • TottallouTottallou Posts: 555
    edited March 2016

    I installed with Dim & for that it is under People - Genesis3

    I checked Smart Content & it seems to be under - Materials - Iray- Feminine (even though it works on the guys to:)

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  • TottallouTottallou Posts: 555

    The thread for this product is

    I don't use Mac so I can't help you there but I am sure some people on the thread will know

  • KharmaKharma Posts: 3,214
    Tottallou said:

    Ok cool I will plan to get that package at your suggestion. I guess I wont even bother messing with lips bc it looks like the package will take care of that for me. However I satrted a render with the Translucency at 0,0,0...or black, and the lips were still very dark...? Anyhow hopefully buying this Smart Converter will take care of all these issues for me. Cheers.

    I think you will get a lot of use out the product & be pleased you bought it - I look forward to seeing your renders

    In the meantime you could try reloading the original Cailin Materials as when I load her & let it render using the HDR that comes with the Studio (No changes) she doesn't seem to have a dark lip problem -

    @Barbuilt - Thanks, Cailin is one of my favorites as Raiyas skins make life easier


    Hi can you tell me how you got the divisions on your viewport?  That's is the first time I have seen that in a post, is it included in DS or a separate purchase?

  • TottallouTottallou Posts: 555
    edited March 2016

    Its not a seperate purchase its hidden in Daz  - You just click on the arrow/bars next to the Camera  then check  "Show Thirds Guide"  from the drop down that comes up.

    I added a screenshot so you can see where I mean





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