Saving face morph settings
I have a Genesis 2 male head and I dialed the face morphs so he looks a bit like Agent 47 (from the game Hitman), eyebrows and all.
Some other thread said to try File>Save as>Shaping Preset. Well that doesnt work.
Can someone give the steps for saving and loading the morph settings (face only).
What happens with the Shaping preset? If you used the standard morphs it should work - though if you used some of the expression controls they are treated as pose modifiers even though they are actually morphs; to include a mix of shaping and posing use a Properties preset.
I'm having odd behavior with it, too...looking at the log it says 'Loaded Morph Deltas in 0 min 0.0 seconds', but looking at the duf file there are actual delta values in it.
You could try exporting it as a Collada file and then importing it as a morph. Definitely not ideal, but at least you can save the data for later that way.
The box where your supposed to select parts of the genesis body wasnt showing anything. Anyway just tried it now and its showing in Pose, Shaping and Properties, thanks!
The eyebrows morph (angry look) was part of the pose.