Depth of Field

OK, I admit I know almost nothing about regular photography.  How do I get a DOF depth of field effect in DAZ? 


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,875

    Start be creating a camera. (Don't use the perspective camera.) You do that in the menu Create>New Camera.

    Then select that camera in the Scene pane.

    Open the Parameters pane and click on Camera (It is on the left side, below General and Display). You will see Depth of Field. Change it from Off to On.

    Now, with your camera still selected in the Scene pane, change your viewing camera to Perspective View. (The camera view selector is in the upper right corner of the Viewport.)

    Now you are viewing your created camera through the Perspective View. When you slide the Focal Distance and F/Stop sliders, you will see the DOF bounding box move and expand/shrink in the viewport. Adjust the Perspective View to get a good view of where the DOF bounding box is in relation to your scene. The part of the scene within that box will be in focus. Parts of the scene in front or and behind the box will be out of focus. The further the item is from the box, the more out of focus it will be. Don't get hung up on the numerical values for F/Stop. I don't think they relate perfectly to real world cameras.

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