Architecture is a 'figure'
I purchased an architecture asset and when I load it into DAZ it seems to be represented as a 'figure' with bones. The bones seem to represent parts of the building structure. This is a problem because when I export it to FBX it's trying to merge all of those parts into one mesh and it's causing havoc with baked lighting. Is there any way to turn all that data into individual meshes in DAZ so that this doesn't happen when I export?
under edit figure convert to prop maybe
Yeah, I did that, but it takes all those bones and combines them all into one big mesh. I think the bones might be linked to the face groups. If I could find a way to convert the individual face groups into individual meshes, that might work. But I can't see how to do that.
Hide all but one bone, export as OB, hide all but another bone, export as OBJ... when you have the full set of OBJ files, reimport them (using the same preset) and reapply textures to give separate props.