How do I read help files?

in New Users
OK, so for products I've installed, help files go into \My DAZ 3D Library\Runtime\Support
How do I actually view any of these??? Viewing my library, Runtime is hidden.
I can see them through Windows Explorer. I've fumbled around the Help Menu. I've fumbled around Tips, Info, and Tags on the items I'm looking for documentation for. If I double-click them in Explorer, it opens a new Daz Studio but then it wants to import stuff.
Sorry if it's obvious, I'm totally missing it.
Don't know if this is exactly what you want but most of my help files are here :
C:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library\ReadMe's
Just navigate in Windows and you'll fine either PDFs and HTML. CLick on any of those.
I never noticed the ones in the support folder - I'd like to know that too.
I've got something over 4,000 items installed - and I'm not seeing any help files in the support folder. Can you post a screen shot, or an example file name?
IIRC, those "help" files are generally for use within daz studio. They aren't actually help files to be read externally, but there is usually either an icon to click on for the product or when you click the ? associated with plugins and such it open the "help" file.
The Support file is the metadata used by the CMS, and the product images. In 4.9+ it is replaced with the \Data\Cloud\meta folder as I understand the system. User files should not be there at all.
You can view a lot of them in the Daz Wiki.
Here's the screenshot...
@DrunkMonkeyProductions - I have tons of these help files, but I don't see the ? for help.
Ugh. I gave up on what I was trying to do, and moved on to something else (sorry for the lack of an update). I can't even remember now what I was trying to do. Some products come with help txt or pdf files, but it seems very few. I have about 500 products installed, but only 20 or 30 readme files that I can find.
These aren't help files - they're the metadata files for the products. The image is the icon that shows in smart content for the product and the .dsx files are the actual metadata - you can open them with wordpad to see what's in them. I've forgotten what the script files (.dsa) are for.
The scripts load the metadata. If they are placed in the RunOnce folder in the DS AppData folder (on Windows C:\Users\YOU\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\Studio4) then they will be run when DS next launches (this was how metadata was added when we had separate executable installers for each product). You can also run them at once by dragging them into an open DS window. Of course this is useful only if the product has not already been added to the CMS, and if you aren't going to use the reimport metadata command.