A scene preset, or Spawn a moprh of morphs from the DForms, save as morph asset(s) and then use a shaping preset. The button to spawn a morph is in the DForm pane, once you have your morph you can delete the DForms then go to File>Save as>Support Assets>Moprh Asset (the author and product fields determine the sub-folders of \Data\DAZ 3D\Genesis whichever\Male\Morphs used to store the data).
A scene preset, or Spawn a moprh of morphs from the DForms, save as morph asset(s) and then use a shaping preset. The button to spawn a morph is in the DForm pane, once you have your morph you can delete the DForms then go to File>Save as>Support Assets>Moprh Asset (the author and product fields determine the sub-folders of \Data\DAZ 3D\Genesis whichever\Male\Morphs used to store the data).