How to determine memory size of scene for GPU utilization?
I'm going to add a 2nd graphics card, currently I have a 980 Ti (6GB GPU).
And Im debating between adding another 980 Ti which would double my CUDA cores to 5632, or get a Titan, which would still double the CUDAs but also give me more GPU ram, the main benefit being that should my scene exceed the size of the first card, I would be able to render with the Titan GPU, and for smaller scenes I would still get all 5632 cores utilized with both cards in SLI mode.
The trouble is, I have no idea how to determine when I am reaching my GPU ram limit, so I don't know if it is overkill to get the Titan.
Is there anywhere in DAZ where the scene size is shown?
There's a script by SimTenero in the store to help with that
Thank you!
I just found a free utility to do the same thing called: GPU-Z, in case anyone else reads this thread and needs the same thing.
Gpu-z wont tell you how big until you start rendering. SimTeneros script will tell you before you render and also how big every item is.
completely different apps.
Yeah, GPU-Z is what I use since I'm waiting on a catch up sale to get the script. It gives a raw usage but it doesn't have anything to help identify the items causing that memory usage. The script gives you a decent idea of where to make changes to a scene. And as stated it gets run before render unlike GPU-Z which only tells you during a render.
You would be better off getting the Titan because DS won't recognize SLI at this point in time. You can use multi GPU just not in SLI mode
As long as the scene fits in the smallest Vram, both cards will be used. A Titan X and a 980TI will be 5888 cores.
SLI should not be used for Iray (Nvidia warning/recommendation).
I didn't say both cards won't be used. I just said that SLI can't be used. If you want max capability you'd get a titan but the 980Ti is a fantastic card with the 12GB of RAM plus its about $500 less
980TI doesn't have 12GB, it has 6.