Rotate Textures on objects


I'm wondering how to rotate a texture on an object.. I can only find default UV option and cant change it, also I tried the angle option also under surface and it didn't rotate it. 

I need to able to flip the direction the texture is faceing.

thanks :)


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,864

    Flipping can be done by setting tiling to -1 - that's in the main sahder settings for 3delight, or in the Image Editor dilogue (opened from the image selection menu for a property) in Iray.

  • that second one you mentioned for Iray, I cant find... can you post a screen of where it is? 


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,864

    Like so in the Surface pane

    407 x 350 - 27K
  • Ohh, cool thanks ... Didn't notice that, like ever ... :)


    Other then starting a new thread, I hope someone see's this next question.. 

    I'm currently using UNdocked Windows, and when they are docked in Daz they display vertically ... when undocked, it's horizontally .. when They are grouped together... is there a way to make undocked group windows display vertically? 



  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,864

    Not that I am aware of - it's possible to have the docked groups arrange their tabs horizontally but not vice versa.

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