I am almost sure that i already know te answer to my question...neverthe less i would like confirmation...and thats why i will ask anyway.
I want to know if its possible to create 360 degrees 3D Panoramic scenes with Daz Studio...i personally dont think its possible because i have never heard about it for Studio...
I recently purchased Samsung Gear VR...and its amazing how you can view everything in full 360 degrees which makes you feel like you are really there!..
And with the Gear VR you can also view special 3D scenes which are made with Octane VR...i suppose that these scenes are rendered within Octane with the special VR plugin. Its really amazing when you view these 3D scenes with the Gear VR...it makes you feel that you really are part of the rendered scene!...i highly recommend getting the Samsung Gear VR...and checking this feature out!...i have experienced it...and its nothing short of amazing!...
Thats why i am wondering if this is also possible with Studio...i rendered a scene last night in Studio and i was looking for a possibility to save it or export it in some kind of format to then view it as a 360 degree scene with my Gear VR...but there is really no way of doing this with Studio...you definitely need Octane with the VR plugin...as far as i know...its the only way...would it make a difference if i were to get the Octane render plugin for Daz Studio?...
Yes, it is possible using an HDRI image and the Iray renderer. But maybe not in the way you are hoping.
I was testing this last summer. I rendered about 6 camera angles around the model in a small room.
Check this link about halfway down. 2 posts with 3 images each.
Hope this helps.
I have been on my gear vr and seen many 360 3d render stills and videos. It is mind blowing and I want in as in now. I love daz for the graphic novels i'm getting ready to put out but i need a way to do what I see others doing on gear 360. I know it can be done because it's right there for me to see but how is the question. The sets on daz and charators would be the best on there. People get on to this because it is just hugh.