Copy hidden morps without fitting

mike9mike9 Posts: 69

I have some problems with auto generated morphs changing things they shouldn't change and its a lot work to fix that every time. Is there a way to save the hair with all morphs including the hidden ones to insert the hair again having the same morphs active without fitting it to a figure?


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,857

    I'm not sure I understand the question - if you want to pemanently block morphs from transferring, get their names (click the gear icon on the slider, select Parameter Settings, and copy the name field), then select the hair (ideally without fitting it to anything), right-click on the Parameters pane and select Edit mode (if it isn't already checked), then for each morph you want to block right-click, Create New Property, and give it the name of one of the morphs (and presumably set Hidden to on since you don't need to see it). Once done, File>Save as>Support Assets>Morph Asset and save your new "morphs"; the do-nothing morphs will now load with the hair and stop DS from auto-generating a new morph.

  • mike9mike9 Posts: 69

    Ok yes blocking DS from creating them solves my problem also. Thank you.

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