Mei lin, Lilith 6 HD add-ons question
1. Are they worth purchasing?
2. Benefits?
3. Anything special one needs to do to use them?
4. Will they work with add-on sub-characters such as Yumi for Mei Lin 6, or do u lose the detail, detail that I'm not seeing at the moment, but am wondering all the same.
I was just wondering, as I gambled with one of them and I'm not seeing any difference with an HD and regular character side-by-side. Iray renders.
Post edited by HorusRa on
Unlike 3delight, Iray will not automatically render at the required level of SubD for showing the hd details.
So what does one do? If this isn't going to work then I need to do a refund ticket. However I have a discount coupon for daz originals and if these do work in iray, I'd like to get one more, but I only have a small window of opportunity as the coupon expires tonight and I have to go to work shortly.
In the Parameters pane under Mesh Resolution you can set the minimum render SubD level so that Iray will render the HD details.