Layered rendering? kind of..

Long story short. I have a model and two sets of clothes. I would like to make a render of naked model with environment (no probs here) and two more renders with just clothes, so that i could put them on layers in ps.
AFAIK when I hide model and environment in scene tab, daz will render all parts of clothes, even those that were originally hidden by body or environment. Also clothes shadows should be visible on model and environment. And environmental and body shasows should be on clothes.
Any tips or tricks or workarounds are appreciated.
p.s. Also i was thinking about rendering 3 full images and "extracting" nude render out of clothed render. Any Photoshop magicians here?
Post edited by 1981someone on
I'm not sure what you are trying to do...but wouldn't it be much simpler to just do 3 renders, one of each?
It is. But its a total size issue. 1 full render and 2 alpha channeled png would be so much smaller. Besides I could go for many other clothes and props and it could be fully costumizable outside of daz, say in browser....
Render the 'full' scene with the nude model. Then remove the background and render the clothed versions with just the model and the clothing (keep the lights). Then create a mask in Photoshop/Gimp to remove the model. It will probably be easier than trying to actually render the clothes in such a way that you will have the parts blocked out that would be by the model.
No matter what way you do it, it's not going to be easy to get right.
Depending on the renderer used, there may be a couple of things to do it all 'in render'...using the fantom option of the omnifreaker ubersurface for 3Delight. For Iray a combination of canvasses and matte objects...
This is sad.
How about assigning greenscreen type of material to model to key it out in Photoshop? I guess noone tried it so I'm on my own here. ))
You could create mask images using pwCtach in 3Delight (or make your own in Shader Mixer) so that the clothes are white (flat white diffuse with white ambient at 100%) and the figure using pwCtach to get the black backdrop. You could, in iray, use the Canvasses feature in the Advanced tab to do an objectID render layer.
Canvas did a great job! thanks. But shadows are still an issue.