Content Library / Categories Import/Export Help
I want to save my custom-made category structure in the Content Libary.
- How do I export that structure?
- Where is the file located after creation?
- How do I re-import it?
- I see "Export User Data" under the Content Database Maintenance Window, but I don't know where it is being exported to.
- I believe I just use the File --> Import menu items to put it in.
I've tried different keywords in the search and I'm just not getting any good hits on my questions. Thank you in advance for your help.
If you simply made category, without using Content DB editor,
you can export it as "Export User Data" under the Content Database Maintenance Window.
then the user data files will be exported, your DS content directory/runtime/support.
the support directory is for import ,export meta-data of product and user_data (but not for daz connect imstalled item or meta-data)
then Usually once you set category,, it auto recorded in DB, but If you delete category, and hope re-import category,
you need to re-import User data, from DS content directory/runtime/support/User_data.dsx to DB.
as same as export user_data,, by Content Database Maintenance Window>import meta-data,
then check only your exported user_data.
That's awesome! Thank you so much. You saved me time if I had to rebuild my workflow. I'm rephrasing what you stated for my notes:
Exporting Custom Categories
Importing Custom Categories
NOTE: Empty Custom Categories will not reimport/rebuild unless there was an actual item/asset in the category.
Note that there can be more than one userdata file, and the names can differ slightly between DS versions and what you have listed above, although you should still be able to easily recognize them since they have "userdata" in the filenames.
In the unlikely event that you are importing the database because you need to replace a bad one from a previously made backup, make sure you reset the database to erase it prior to import, so you aren't merging the backup with the existing bad database.
Also make sure you are actually looking at the right file. I once somehow thought I had created the file when I hadn't, and thus lost a backup, although not too much had to be recategorized since the previous backup. I now delete the files prior to creating them, so if I forget to create them I won't be looking at an incorrect older folder by accident.
A workaround to avoid empty custom categories is to simply make sure they aren't empty. For example I saved a primitive as a scene file, called it "dummy placeholder.duf", and I just put it in every category that would otherwise be empty (I create empty categories with names that are actually comments to remind myself of important things about the surrounding content.)