Noob question. Instancing ?

Back in the days there was a nice feature in 3ds max that allowed you to save instance object in a file and then import it to any scene. But whenever you alter in any way object in a master file, the same object in any scene would alter as well. I would really like to do the same trick in daz3d 4.9.
Help ?


  • KhoryKhory Posts: 3,854

    Got to create and there are node instancing options. If it were not so late and I were not so tired I would give a better explenation. I'm sure someone will come along and do better.

  • 1981someone1981someone Posts: 7
    edited February 2016

    Gave it a try. It seems it only creates multiple objects within one scene while i need a single master file imported into multiple scenes. I guess presets is the right path but then again it seems it will not change object after master object, once it was imported into scene.

    Post edited by 1981someone on
  • KhoryKhory Posts: 3,854

    You save them as scene subsets. You can pull those into any scene. What ever you create the nodes from is the master as far as texturing goes. The others can be altered for size and placement though.

  • But if I change, lets say haircut or haircolor or outfit in masterfile, it will not change all the instances in in other 20+ scenes it merged with. Not sure if it is possible but if it is, i would like to know how.

  • KhoryKhory Posts: 3,854

    Ni, it will work on a per scene basis.

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