Adding IK to an existing animation?

I have this animation of an catgirl working an mill, its based on an old poser animation.

I converted and adjusted it, mostly it works nice.
The problem is that right hand is moving around. Select HD quality in video to see this well, its not much less than one cm but its very visible.
Figure is parrented to the mill arm so she walk in place while arm is moving, caracter is not moving relativly to mill arm, its an walking anmiation body twist and hip moves up and down a bit.

Is it an way to lock hand in place with IK while keeping the animation? I tried to delete all later keyframes for hand and add IK but this does not work as the IK position is lont locked between frames and I have found no way to set it, you can only drag and rotate with multi tool. In poser you got parameters for the IK body part and can set them to an constant value.

Found this hard to adjust manualy as both the hand position and rotation is important.

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