Reviews on Dreamlight "Light Master DS Edition" tutorials?
They are having a sale today and I know I could benefit from some "Lighting College." My question is, since most fo the tuts were released in 2014, are they only for 3Delight renders? I really want to use IRay and would hate to spend this money to learn how to light in the wrong render engine. I'm sure a lot of the techniques are universal so it still could be worth it. I'm just hoping to hear from some people who have used this product before. Pros/Cons...anything would be helpful.
Yeah it's for 3Delight, not iray. His Iray courses are
Dreamlights tutorials are usually very good. I've got about 10 of them and have found all of them to be well worth the money spent. You will learn the basics of lighting, which will still be very useful for whatever rendering system you choose. He will show you how to position the lights in such a way that you get the most out of your renders. So for example he will demonstrate the 3 point lighting system, where you have one main light, focusing on the side of your character to bring out the 3d detail, and cast a lovely shadow, another fill light on the other side, just to lighten some of the shadows, and then a rim light, which gives a bit of a glow around the character's shoulders, making them stand out from your background. This technique will really make your figures pop. Once you understand the technique you will be able to use it with Iray or 3delight.
He then goes on to show you the 7 point lighting setup, and shows you how to light different kinds of scenes, like a scary scene, a portrait etc. There will however be a lot that is 3Delight specific, so I guess it depends on your current level of experience with lighting.
My current level...pretty minimal! After reading the product details on the Iray tutorials, I'm guessing that's a little more advanced theory and I should start with the basics of it with this tutorial (forgot to say it was this product in my first post.)
then move on to the more intricate stuff.
Thanks a lot for your input Brad. I appreciate the info!
Oh, I thought it was this one here:
That's basically the same, except it is Daz specific, and seems to have a lot more content, but it is double the price so that is to be expected.
On the one that you linked to, it says "Dreamlight 3d Club bonuses" at the end, But I'm not sure if those are included with the course, or if you have to be a part of the club first. Perhaps someone could clarify.
Lighting is so important, so if you are completely new to it all, then the techniques will definitely take your renders to a whole new level. No doubt about it.
The super-quick-easy-ds-iray-tricks (I edited the link into my last post) is a great beginners crash course in iray, and while it shows you how to use iray, it doesn't nessasarily teach the same lighting techniques.
Dreamlight training is always comprehensive and there is a lot of theory, so the mechanics of the render engine are not always an issue unless it is a specific topic. A lot of the early lighting courses have great theory.
The DS edition is 3Delight centric, but again... lots of theory, so that carries over.
Its best to leave "3D Club bonuses" out of the calculation as the club is basically dead and any content from there is extremely dated at this point, so don't let that sway you.
I own a lot of Dreamlight training. I always learn something, but it is best to get it on sale and the deeper the discount the better.
I watched a couple modules last night and I am glad I bought them. They are easy to understand. His accent is a little hard to understand at times but just a tiny bit. He had to say "millimeters" a few times for me to realize what he was saying. But it's solid instruction! Can't wait to see what I can do! Thanks for all the advice!