Gen2 Clothing to Gen3

edited February 2016 in New Users


Noob here.  Very excited to build my skills in Daz.


  1. Before I go ahead and buy $100 worth of assets, is it possible to use Gen3 clothing with Gen3 models?
  2. Since I have 3D modeling experience, does anyone suggest there is such an advantage to Gen3 that one with proficient skills ought to create their own clothing and morphs for Gen3?  Or is Gen2 good enough?

Thanks in advance,


Post edited by nicholas.mathis_7685c75e9d on


  • Genesis 3 Male includes an AutoFit clone for Genesis 2 Male, which allows the conversion of clothing - it isn't perfect, and any extra bones in particular will be lost, but it does go quite a way towards making many items of clothing work. Morphs can be converted using the Transfer utility in DS, though that isn't an automated process. Textures for the G2M figure will not currently be usable on G3M without doing some additional work in an application like Blender to bake from one mesh to another.

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited February 2016

    I believe you can use Genesis 2 clothing with the Genesis 3 models. I believe the default autofit takes care of it. (I have a lot of add-ons, but I think this one is built in, someone correct me if I'm wrong.) You could test this with a freebie or low cost outfit just to be sure. 

    To use other generations of clothing with the new Genesis 3 models, you need to purchase the "Wear Them All" products for G3M and G3F. They work great. I use a lot of M4 and V4 and Genesis stuff on my G3's with no problem. 

    This picture shows two Genesis 3 figures wearing the M4 firefighter outfit using Wear Them All autofits:


    Sorry, no idea on the modeling part. I am new too and haven't made it that far yet!

    Post edited by Llynara on
  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404


    Great tip on the Wear them All product! I haven't had much issues yet getting Gen2 clothes to fit my Gen3 characters but my wardrobe is limited so that's not saying I won't have a problem later. My question is, how does this product work? Does it automatically trigger this product when going from Gen2 clothing to Gen3 models? Or is this another step after autofit to ensure proper wear? Just curious. Thanks!

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    It works like autofit- in fact, I think it is a form of autofit. These are "clones" that are used to fit the clothing to the character. As soon as you put the clothing on the character, the autofit window pops up and asks you what kind of character the clothing is for. There's a drop down list and it's pretty extensive. You can use clothing from V4, M4, Genesis, Genesis 2 Male and Genesis 2 Female. This works the same on Wear Them All for G3M and G2M. It's great because you can fit so many clothing items onto a character now, regardless of whether they (the character or the clothing) are male or female! My G3F up above has an M4 outfit on. Didn't have to make too many adjustments on it either. It fit quite well. I had some trouble with the helmets because the hair wanted to stick out of them. I dialed the hair down as far as I could squash it and photoshopped out a few stray pieces.

    It's wonderful and I feel spoiled rotten because now my characters can wear so many clothes! Wish I could do this in reverse for my V4 and M4 people!

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