Daz Studio


Can some one please tell me where i can find Daz Studio 4.8?...

I currently have version 4.9...but i really want 4.8


It does not seem to be available at the Daz Store any more






  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330

    You can't go backwards unless you have a 4.8 installer saved.

  • Thats just the thing...i dont have the installer saved...i forgot to back it up!...

    Any remote possibility of getting a hold of the 4.8 installer?...

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330

    You can submit a support ticket and see if there is something they can do.

  • Ok thx...maybe i will try that...


    Just out of curiosity...which version are you using by the way?...

  • It may help if you expalin why you want to use 4.8, people may be able to suggest other workarounds to any problems.

  • Its just that i am used to 4.8...thats all...

    thx for all the input guys!...

  • If you don't use Connect (just click Work Offline and the don't show check-box on first launch) you can use 4.9 pretty much as you use 4.8, you just won't have access to Connect-only content.

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