Spot Light

So adding a Spotlight scene looks fine, but render it looks WAY to dark. I adjust light and it looks WAY too much light then render it's ok. Is there a way to show in pre render to show what the lighting will look like after rendering?


  • If this is Iray, try using the nVidia Iray preview mode (in the Aux Viewport, Window>Panes(Tabs)>Aux Viewport if it isn't showing, if it's too taxing for your main viewport); if it's 3Delight, use the IPR in the Aux Viewport to get a preview render (turn the control bar on in the pane's option menu - the lined button in the top corner).

  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321
    edited February 2016

    Deleted wrong advice.

    Post edited by Petercat on
  • If this is Iray, try using the nVidia Iray preview mode (in the Aux Viewport, Window>Panes(Tabs)>Aux Viewport if it isn't showing, if it's too taxing for your main viewport); if it's 3Delight, use the IPR in the Aux Viewport to get a preview render (turn the control bar on in the pane's option menu - the lined button in the top corner).

    The Aux Viewport shows same as Viewport.

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162
    edited February 2016

    In the Aux Viewport make sure you are looking through a camera and not Perspective. The camera should be set in Tone Mapping for the lighting in the scene too.

    Post edited by Fishtales on
  • Perhaps the reason is because I run DAZ on an IMAC with no native IRAY processor?

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    I have a Windows laptop but no Nvidia card so it wont be that.

  • PYuknis said:

    If this is Iray, try using the nVidia Iray preview mode (in the Aux Viewport, Window>Panes(Tabs)>Aux Viewport if it isn't showing, if it's too taxing for your main viewport); if it's 3Delight, use the IPR in the Aux Viewport to get a preview render (turn the control bar on in the pane's option menu - the lined button in the top corner).

    The Aux Viewport shows same as Viewport.

    Did you switch the viewport mode? Click the little sphere to the left of the camera/view seelctor button at top-right (assuming you are using the default set-up).

  • Finally see what you are talking about. Very useful. Thanks. I still wish the main viewport was more accurate in showing lighting.

  • The aux viewport shows what I would expect, but still is not the same as render. It can show way to bright in aux viewport, but render is still darker.


    Where is this Tone mapping setting?

  • nevermind. Found in Rendering settings.

    Scene with Ashlyn Char, one spotlight. Viewport looks good. Aux Viewport looks very bright. Render is too dark. No headlamp in Cam.


  • AUx viewport set to IRAY preview as suggested.

  • Was the Aux Viewport using the same camera or view? The most likely difference would be having the headlamp on in the view for the viewport and off in the render if they were different, though since the viewport is using Inertactive mode it will respect the Cast Shadows setting on objects which the final Photoreal render won't - so a physical skydome or a room prop could be blocking distant light (from the sun or the HDRI dome in redner Setings) in the render but not in the preview.

  • Same view is set. What about Gamma setting?

  • Gamma setting should be respected in the preview mode. Is the sceen indoors, or using an environment set that has a modelled in sky dome?

  • It is a simple scene. Just Ashlyn and a background.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,858
    edited February 2016

    What is the background coming from? A model or just a backdrop image?

    Please post a render and a screenshot showing both the viewport and the Aux Viewport in nVidia Iray preview mode - if it's a nude put some basic clothes on it first.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • Test ONLY. For posting Pic.

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