Figure Metrics isn't working

I have been trying to use figure metrics since I purchased the measure metrics a few days ago. Every time I try to use it the whole app crashes/closes. I feel pretty sure I am doing eveything right because I followed all instructions and I even re installed eveything including the app itself. I tried using a Genesis 8 Female Body with the matching preset measurement nodes and figure metrics didn't work. The app crashed. Then, I tried with Genesis 2 Female Body along with it's matching preset measurement nodes and it worked the first time. I think. All of the measurements from the preset measurement node (the one with more than the basic measurments), most of those measurements there was no way for me to customize/change them. Only the basic measurements within that same preset had a box next to it that I could click to customize the measurements.

Now that I went back to try again, a few days later, even the Genesis 2 for figure metrics is not working at all now. The app insantly crashes. I am really upset by this because not only did I pay good money for the measure metrics, but I also really need to make an avatar with specfic/custom measurements. I know I am very new to all of this but I just need simple custom sized avatars. Can anyone help with this issue?


p.s. Everything is the latest version, since I downloaded everything not even a week ago.


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