Optimizing speed
I recently upgraded to an iMac with a 4gig AV card and 32 gigs of ram. It sdoesn't seem that I am getting any more spedd that running an old CPU with 4 gigs of ram. I was running DS 4.5 but am running 4.9.,
Since I fifgur I should be getting much better speed, I fgure I must have something set up wrong. How should I be configured to mazimize speed?
I should mention that the software is acting really buggy as well. Lots of spinning beach balls, slow response and chrashes.
Post edited by vindazi on
What video card?
Just because it is 4 GB, doesn't mean it will actually be doing anything for your rendering. Iray needs an Nvidia card to benefit from GPU rendering...and the resultant speed increase that gives. AMD (which is what I believe are in most Macs) card won't be a major benefit.
I am using 3Delight. RAM Doesn't make a difference either?
3Delight does not use a GPU at all for rendering, so no, it doesn't matter what the card is.
As for RAM...it does have some impact but not a very big one. If your scenes were not running out of 'real' RAM before the upgrade, then no, it won't have a noticeable benefit to rendering speed. But if they were using 'virtual' memory (swapping to disk) because you didn't have enough actual memory to hold them, then yes, it will probably have a noticeable benefit.
Now, since the UI and viewport rely on OpenGL more video memory does (regardless of card) have an impact on actual program performance. The same goes for more RAM...you can have bigger/more 'loaded' scenes without bogging down the program and how you can interact with it.
How do I optimize speed? How can I get DS-3D to at least stop hanging up and crashing? Or is that to be expected?
We need more specifics...optimizing speed is very scene dependent.
As to the hanging/crashing...no that is not normal or expected. Again more details are needed...especially specific error messages or crash reports.
I am on an iMac etina late 2015, running 10.11 El Capitan. Currently I am using Prison Block K with about 8 genesis figures to populate the prison. They are dressed in prison clothing and shoes.
When trying to use the vantage orbit it flies around no matter how careful and slow I try to go. Once a who building just flipped over, about 5 seconds after I let go of the mosue. Trying to zoom in and out goes at such a snails pace that I have taken to washing dishes ionbetween the time I try to zoom in and the zooming completes. I have not found a way to stop it other than force quiting from the finder. There have been no error messages. All activity just sometimes stops altogether. I call that crashing.
There are other issues but these can get us started.
What other specifics do you need?
It sounds like you are looking for speed boosts while working in the viewport, not rendering speed boosts. Here are a few random notes I have written down. They probably won't help much, but might get you a tiny bit more performance:
Smooth Shaded is slightly faster than Texture Shaded.
Edit > Preferences > Interface tab > Display Optimization: Best. (but dependent on video card's capabilities, and potentially unstable.)
Unverified, group stuff and temporarily hide the groups that aren't in use?
Yes I am looking for viewport speed. Working time is more critical to me than rendering time.