Modeling Thor's Hammer

Tutorial to modeling a thor`s hammer 


what i need change for the next tutorial ?




  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Less annoying music for a start...the music got so annoying after a few minutes, I closed the tutorial long before it was finished.

  • mjc1016 said:

    Less annoying music for a start...the music got so annoying after a few minutes, I closed the tutorial long before it was finished.

    Sorry, musics without copyrights is very difficult found 

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    The problem is that it is fine for a three minute or so item, but the pace and beat did not match the pacing of the tutorial.  With music like that, the focus is not on what you are trying to teach in the's just an extended play music video.

    A couple of places with free/low cost licensing... (yes, the $300 membership price may seem steep at first...but it is well worth it.  They have an incredible library AND very nice licensing almost the entire catalog is usable for things like noncommercial videos.)

    Another way to go about it...try speeding up the video portion to match the music.  The part where you were moving what would be the 'wavy' rings of the handle into proper position could have been a lot faster and would have matched the pacing of the music better.  Show doing one at 'normal' speed and then speed up the rest.  A hard cut could have been used but is far less informative than speeding up the 'action'.

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