Want to see the animation on my TV

I have done one animation (beginner) and now I want to see the movie/animation on my TV and connect the movie/animation with an USB.

I don´t know how to do it...

I have tried "render", and see explanation movies (YouTube) but some are old (I use DAZ Studio 3D 4.9 Pro) and they look different from my version.


My question is, how do you make an animation to a video format that can be seen on TV?




  • best way is to render an image series then compile it in an editor like Windows live moviemaker etc

    open your render settings under windows tab on DS for options like size, which render engine etc

    openGL gives what you see in the viewpoart if you want a very quick version but has no shadows etc and cannot be obscured while rendering

    3Delight and iray are final render quality and take much longer but you can adjust settings

    rendering single images first is always best in order to work out what settings you want

  • to play on your TV  you can plug a HDMI cable in if you have an input or burn a DVD etc

    if it has a usb input wmv and mp4 usually supported 

  • Single image, is what I get when I click render. And I do not know how I'm doing to get it into an animation.
    Sometimes my picture plain as it is from the camera angle. And sometimes it becomes completely black (so I do not want it)

    So I have to (or best way) is to use a video editing software, like Windows Live Movie Maker?

  • you can render avi but it depends on the codecs on your computer, it can be dodgey

    you should have an option in render window to do image series

  • I click on:
    1. Render settings
    2. Render
    3. I see only one image in the folder (jpg) (sometimes black, sometimes "ordinary")
    4. It takes 5-10 minutes to do "this image"

  • http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/16085/render-profiles-for-daz-studio-4-5/p1

    you need to check this thread maybe

    you must learn to render an image before you can even think about rendering an animation

    also look if you are using 3Delight or iray as your render engine

  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    virre2013 said:

    I click on:
    1. Render settings
    2. Render
    3. I see only one image in the folder (jpg) (sometimes black, sometimes "ordinary")
    4. It takes 5-10 minutes to do "this image"

    It sounds like you need to compile a series of images that you will need to create your animation?  Are you using DAZ Studio or another program?  If you are using DAZ Studio are you rendering using 3Delight or Iray?


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