Dynamic Clothing Question

DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

Hopefully someone out there either has this item or has some insight into dynamic clothing.


I purchased this item and have successfully gotten it to apply to my characters. I am running into 2 big problems though.

1. Once it is a part of my scene i am unable to delete it or select it.

2. It comes with a variety of materials to alter the colors which is awesome but I am unable to apply them.

With other clothing items, I can select "pants" (for instance) and then go to materials and select the color I want. I am guessing that is not how Dynamic Clothing works. Does anyone know where I am going wrong? This is my first go around with dynamic clothing so I don't know much about it. Any help would be appreciated.



  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    Quite oftem DC items have the 'cannot select' option set (the arrow with tick (yes) or cross (no)) next to the eye in the scene tab.  Juct click on the name of the item in the scene tab to select the item, and that will permit you to apply alternate textures (or delete it).

  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

    You're kidding?! lol!! I didn't think about that. Is that just a little glitch or do they set it up that way for a reason?

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited February 2016

    It is done on purpose...because often if you accidentally select and move it by clicking it with the Universal tool or something in the viewport, it will reset the drape.  If you have to select it in the Scene tree and  you can't accidentally select it in the viewport, it's assumed that what you are doing is purposeful.

    Post edited by mjc1016 on
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