bought a bunch of items but .....

I bought a bunch of scenes.

like this one :

I can load all the items seperately,  but ain't there a scene where you can load the whole thing?  and not put everything together?

and if so, where is that located,  cause i'm not finding it.

Thank you


  • KhoryKhory Posts: 3,854

    I don't have that exact one but look and see if the first file is not !Pre_ something.

  • I bought pretty much all the West ward items.  I need to do a search  in order to find them, since i have no clue where they are located in my tree on the left. (what category?)  I thought it would be scene or something like that.

    But once I click on 1 of the images, the opens up a folder with props and materials.

    If I click on the files tab, then i just see everything i bought. with no "props" or whatever on the icon.


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Each part of the West Park series will load 'intact', but if you want all the parts to load at once, then you'll need to make your own preset.

    File > Save As > Scene (or Scene Subset...I prefer subsets, they load INTO another scene, not OVER/REPLACE it).  Also, they will allow you to choose what parts you want to save/include.

    And the same can be done with the texture sets (like what you have linked).  You can save texture presets or save scene subsets with different textures as different items.

    The reason they don't come with a 'master' scene...they are designed to be modular AND flexible.

  • pkappeteinpkappetein Posts: 506
    edited February 2016

    I bought like 15 different "West Ward" scenes.

    So I thought I could load 15 different scenes with everything in it,  (since it said that it required some other items from other West Ward packages)

    I thought (From looking at the images in the store)  that there we're presets that loads  the whole scene like that.(for each package) i bought.

    (Not meaning ALL the west ward loading into 1 item)

    I don't see images where I can load each one "intact"

    Post edited by pkappetein on
  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Each one has a preload for itself, and the ones that require other packages have preloads for loading all of them at one time.

  • Where are those located?   All I can find is Props.


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Are you looking in Smart Content, Categories, or Daz Studio Formats?  In Daz Studio Formats they're in “Environments:Architecture:[name of set]:Scenes”; in Smart Content ior Categories they're in “Environments:Architecture:Interior”

  • ok, I found 1 under the Smart Content under File--> “Environments:Architecture:Interior”   but was marked as "prop"  but did load the scane with the items.

    after some more looking through all the props..  I found some "sets"  too..    was the same color,tag,  so it's hard to find between all the props.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Yes, sometimes they're labeled as Props rather than "Sets", but they should start with "!Pre".

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143

    The way I load these is not through Smart Content, but through the Content Library. Go to the Content Library, then select Products -> W -> West Park Legacy

    This will give you all the files. You can load the scenes with the props that start with "!Pre", like "!Pre_WP_Cor_1", "!Pre_WP_Cor_2", "!Pre_WP_Room" and so on. You also have access to the individual props here.

  • Thank you all..  Guess I need to find a standard on how the use the lib from now on.


  • Ati said:

    The way I load these is not through Smart Content, but through the Content Library. Go to the Content Library, then select Products -> W -> West Park Legacy

    This will give you all the files. You can load the scenes with the props that start with "!Pre", like "!Pre_WP_Cor_1", "!Pre_WP_Cor_2", "!Pre_WP_Room" and so on. You also have access to the individual props here.

    Back on this...  If I select the letter,  I see everything underneath the letter and then select what i want, so I can see what's in there right?

    That seems to be the case atm for me.

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143
    Ati said:

    The way I load these is not through Smart Content, but through the Content Library. Go to the Content Library, then select Products -> W -> West Park Legacy

    This will give you all the files. You can load the scenes with the props that start with "!Pre", like "!Pre_WP_Cor_1", "!Pre_WP_Cor_2", "!Pre_WP_Room" and so on. You also have access to the individual props here.

    Back on this...  If I select the letter,  I see everything underneath the letter and then select what i want, so I can see what's in there right?

    That seems to be the case atm for me.

    You select the letter, then all your purchases that have a title beginning with that letter* show up. You select the item from there (such as "West Park kLegacy" in this case), there you get access to all the propr, presets, materials, poses, everyything that is incvluded in that item.

    (*) Sometimes "The" and "A" do not count, and the first letter of the next word is used to put the item under the letters.

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