Studio 4.9 I can't turn on shadows

I created a new spotlight but can't turn on shadows, in the properties menu 'shadows' it is greyed over and won't select. How do I turn on shadows and select a shadow type?


  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,191

    Sounds like you're using the Iray render engine. In Iray you get shadows the old-fashioned  way - something blocks the light. Nothing to turn on - and nothing to turn off, either.

  • Well it's clear from lack of comments that there's no solution so Studio obviously doesn't work. I shan't be wasting any more money on Render Art. One good thing about Poser software, at least it works...because Studio sucks!

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    As namffuak said, Iray  is an unbiased render engine, shadows are always on.  If you switch to 3delight you can turn shadows on and off.

  • RodrijRodrij Posts: 157

    If you are using an environment map in render settings using Iray, depending on which one you use, the scene may be lit evenly all the way around so you won't get shadows. If you turn off environment or set intensity really low you, you can get shadows from spotlights.

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