Iray Render in all black
The other day, I was doing a render with a new model/environment. Got it posed, applied the light set that came with the environment, didn't apply uberlight or anything. But when I rendered it in iRay, the whole picture rendered black. A test render of the characters face was in black. I'd do a screen shot but if you picture a black box where a picture should be, you'll know what I'm talking about. So I tried again in 3Delight and it rendered in typical 3Delight style. Looked good but I like Iray. Anyone run into this before? Was it just a fluke maybe?
Is it an Iray lightset or one that was made for 3DL?
If it has it's own 'dome' then that is the problem. A physical skydome acts like a giant umbrella.
Or if it is just lights (spot, point, distant) and Iray is set to dome only there won't be any scene lighting.
Well, I'm not sure really. This is the item.
I didn't mess with anything, just loaded as is to play with it. I chose the regular daylight option. I have had successful renders in Iray from when I first got it (just a test render of a wall segment) but last night was the first night I seriously posed with a character. The character was a G3F, the clothes were for G2F. Not sure how much help I'm giving you there but hopefully it clarrifies a little?
Yes, they are 3DL lights and are probably presets for UberEnvironment, so yes it's likely to be using a dome.
I don't have that set, so I can't help with specifics. Try the same scene, without the added lights. Iray is set to use a HDRi on it's built in 'dome' and it is set to use both dome and scene lighting by default. So you should have a starting point to work with.
As mjc stated, 3Delight works very differently to Iray. For Iray, you need to have a path for the light to travel, while 3DL allows you to 'cheat' lighting by having rays that can go through solid objects and an all-encompassing 'ambient' light. You'll need to rethink your lighting strategy from the ground up.
UberEnvironment can work through skydomes, while Iray cannot. This results in a big sphere or cube over your scene which will stop any light from getting in. No light, no picture. It's like taking a photo in a very dark room without a flash.
You can use mesh lights, or if you want to stick with HDRi, you can take the image from the UberEnvironment light and use it as your environment map in the Iray render settings. The young lady below was rendered purely using HDR lighting, so it shows you can do some decent stuff even without other lights.
I guess I'm still confused. The product came with specific lights FOR the product. I was able to render by using Iray in the past in the environment. I did a quick render to see what it would look like when I first got it and it worked. Then, later when I decided to actually pose figures and props in it, the test render and real render were both black. Dome or no dome, lights INSIDE it should work right?
The lights that are linked to earlier in the post are 3DL lights so I would not expect the inside lights to work in iray
If you prefer to use iray you will most likely have to start from the beginning with lighting - Did you try what MJC1016 suggested
Okay, so just to make sure I understand. Scrap the lighting set that came with it and set up my own lights if I want to render in Iray? I am pretty inexperianced with lighting but I do have a tutorial on it that I need to watch. That will probably help me understand what Herald of Fire was saying in his response.
The easiest first step is to remove the skydome that comes with a number of older items...then remove/adjust the other 'scene' lights.
A good, basic intro to photography book will be somewhat helpful, especially on what to adjust for tonemapping. Tonemapping/exposure settings are going to make a large difference. Learning what needs to be done there to balance between the Iray 'environment' and the scene lights is going to be the best area to concentrate on, to start. Then once you've got that down, the rest is just what you want/artistic.
If you haven't, already, this month's new user contest is all about lighting...there are lots of tips in the WIP thread.