Texture Library Access?

At long last I have rejoined with Bryce, on my first Windows box. I have been thrilled.
I'm on 7 Pro, but I cannot access the texture library. The way I used to do it, clicking on the name of a texture or on combination in the DTE, only gives a cascaded set of menus listing the installed textures. Searching the forum found nothing. The manual on the DAZ site reads:
- Pictures Library: To access the texture library, click on the “P” button on the lower left side of the Bryce 7.1 interface. This will open the Pictures Library, where you can load your own images or browse through the included textures.
P? Please pardon my densite, but I don't see this "P." If there is no way to add textures in Bryce I am going to be very sad. Should I be using an earlier version? Is there a 3rd party tool to manage brt files?
Hello cdunson, I'm not an advanced Bryce user, but these are the steps I take to get other images into Bryce -
Loaded a fried egg
Pressed the "M" icon
Pressed the "P" icon
Pressed the Texture Source Editor Button directly above the "P" icon
Pressed the "Load" icon
Load the texture you want
Clicked the buttons to get a white background
Clicked okay till back to main screen, do a render
As for more advanced options, hopefully one of the more advanced users will chip in with some details
EDIT - Just found a video tute but it's not letting me paste the link - Search - How to use a photo as a texture/material in Bryce 7 - Vimeo
Nicely done bunyip
Thank you Bunyip02, much appreciated. This is the path I originally learned. The texture library comes in when you have imported textures and organized them into brt files. It was kind of an undocumented feature that appears to be gone.
I think maybe you are referring to the DTE, that's where you get access to Textures, .brt files
If you have this guide Bryce 7 Artist Guide, bryce_7_ag_wip_0204, check out : Accessing the DTE on page 643