Wounds don't render

hey everyone, I recently bought Lie wound make up from Daz. It looks great in the scene but nearly all of it doesn't show in the renders. My bad guys have gotten what they deserve in the scene but look very healthy in the renders. I'm new at this so I'm sure there's something I'm not doing right. This is made for gen 2. When I try to use it for gen 3 it turns part of my figures gray. Probably won't work on gen 3. Anyway, i thank you for any help. 


  • R25SR25S Posts: 595

    Did you mean Wound Makeup Artist Geometry Shells or another one?

    Next Question is, what render engine do you use?

    As far as I know; if you use Wound Makeup Artist Geometry Shells you can`t render it with iray because it has no iray materials.

  • jed244jed244 Posts: 18

    I think it is the wound makeup artist geometry shells. I'll check when I get home. And I am rendering in iray. I'll try it in 3d. Thanks, I didn't know any of that.

  • R25S said:
    As far as I know; if you use Wound Makeup Artist Geometry Shells you can`t render it with iray because it has no iray materials.

    Note that it isn't not working because the geoshell doesn't use Iray materials, when you render in Iray all 3Delight materials are automatically converted to Iray.

    It's not working because the automatic conversion just isn't very good for this purpose; too much translucence, too much shiny, among other things. Select the geoshell and apply the Iray Optimised converter. That'll give you a pretty good starting point, now you need to tweak the geoshell skin materials until they look good for your scene and lighting. (This is a case where one size will never fit all, you can't just click-click-render, you will have to tweak the materials manually.)

  • SimonWM's video about Multiple Geometry Shells Offset Fix for Iray will also help because Iray treats geoshells differently than 3Delight does and offsetting each geoshell so they aren't colliding with each other really helps to make sure all the wounds are visible.  I've used this product successfully in Iray simply by offsetting each shell and hitting it with the Uber Shader for Iray and they look great in Iray.

  • R25SR25S Posts: 595
    R25S said:
    As far as I know; if you use Wound Makeup Artist Geometry Shells you can`t render it with iray because it has no iray materials.

    Note that it isn't not working because the geoshell doesn't use Iray materials, when you render in Iray all 3Delight materials are automatically converted to Iray.

    It's not working because the automatic conversion just isn't very good for this purpose; too much translucence, too much shiny, among other things. Select the geoshell and apply the Iray Optimised converter. That'll give you a pretty good starting point, now you need to tweak the geoshell skin materials until they look good for your scene and lighting. (This is a case where one size will never fit all, you can't just click-click-render, you will have to tweak the materials manually.)

    OK. I didn`t know to much about how iray really works. I know that it works with 3Delight Materials (but most of the time without the effect I desire) but it doesn`t work with some effects that where designed for 3Delight, like Atmospheric Effects and Skydomes and shader.. So I thought Wounds are work like one of those. (I don`t own any of the Wound products, neather the Make up Artist nore the LIE Wounds, so I can`t try) 

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