Problem trying to use Katherina colors on Katherina hair

Okay, so I'm confused. I bought Katherina, and put it on Victoria 6 and styled it and all that... but it's gray. I tried clicking on the color I wanted in materials and no dice, it's still gray. Am I doing something wrong or what? 


  • Are you sure the hair is selected? Probably, if you were morphing it, but it's the first likely stumbling block.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Make sure the hair is selected in both the scene tab and the surfaces tab.  (cant even tell you how often I forget to check the scene tab to make sure I have the hair and not the head selected)


  • Got it - thank you both... Turned out to be needing to select it in the scene tab. 

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Got it - thank you both... Turned out to be needing to select it in the scene tab. 

    Yes this drove me a bit nuts in the beginning lol!

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