Genesis Wishlist... what do you want to see next for Genesis?

Surprised no one has put this up yet and made something like it a sticky. I would like to stick with wishlists possible for the existing Genesis figure but would be more than happy to purchase the much speculated & bandied about Genesis Quadraped.
I have seen request for the following:
More Ethnic Textures specifically for Genesis
Aiko 5 for Genesis! Something a tad more realistic than Hitomi (Though the Hitomi figure IS awesome)(RUMOR:It's coming)
Genesis Figure requests for Michael 1 & 2 and Victoria 1 & 2 so old outfits can be used.
Genesis for K4
Laura and Luke for Genesis
Genesis Evolution: Aging...not only morphs but a texture packs with wrinkles by bump and displacement map.
Neanderthal shape for Genesis, and maybe some other prehistoric ones, like the Homo erectus line that exists for the 4th Generation figures. ---> SOLVED! Neanderthal for Genesis by Mec4D
Genesis Breast Morph for Retro 60's "Bullet Bra" l
Master Chief Armor from Halo
Aikobot 2 for Genesis (i.e. Fembot/Android "Clothing" that makes Genesis look like a robot.)
Genesis Full Military gear both dress uniform and in the field gear for all branches of the military
Full Suit for Genesis ---> SOLVED! Morphing Business Suit Bundle
Genesis Tuxedo with Tails (Yes, I want them rigged)
Genesis Ninja Clothing & Gear ---> SOLVED! SF Shadow Warrior Genesis by Sickleyield and fuseling & Way of the Shinobi for Genesis by Luthbel
Autofit for M2 and V2 models and earlier if possible
Autofit for Gen 4 that works for Shoes
Update all the hair for Genesis!
Long beard for Genesis
Expressions that seem more manly. Most seem to work for women rather well but not men.
Equestrian poses for Genesis
Couples poses (similar to:Tender Moments for M4/V4; Need a Lift - poses for M4/V4; Together Pose Set)
Individual Toes Controls (either morphs or geo-grafted with bones)
Geo-grafted monkey feet for gripping
Horns ---> Solved (SickleYield's Fantastical Horns Genesis)
Tails? (Some of the ones for Gatgirl and such are nice but a nice demon tail with point and a larger, lizard-like one)
Centaur lower body
Merfolk lower body
Drider lower bodies
Insectoid heads and limbs
Genesis versions of characters like Harpy for V4 and Ranaki
Maybe even more extreme things such as faces-on-chests like the blemmyae of old Medieval lore (with headless shoulders to match).
Predator for Genesis!
Creatura Serpenta for Genesis!
Medusa for Genesis!
Prop Support (Retro-fitting previous prop packages for Genesis including hand parenting)
DAZ Firearms
Genesis Teddy Bear... that's right... Genesis as a teddy bear... you heard me. :)
What have I left out? Let me know and I will update the list.
Keep the suggestions coming!
Merfolk tail is coming.
Neanderthal is also coming to DAZ store soonish (check Mec4D's website).
Ninja -> The Way of Shinobi is available.
Absolutely agree about more ethnic morphs. And my personal list of wants includes more individual face parts. Perhaps some "character" shapes but also realistic but different noses, lips, and eyes.
Have you checked out the Genesis Head Morph Resource Kit 1 thru 3 sold here onDAZ? They offer many different morphs for the head and face alone and mostly realistic.
and also there are DieTrying's morphs which are free and quite good too. I think you can find them on sharecg but i am not sure where I picked them up.
Hope this helps.
Have you checked out the Genesis Head Morph Resource Kit 1 thru 3 sold here onDAZ? They offer many different morphs for the head and face alone and mostly realistic.
and also there are DieTrying's morphs which are free and quite good too. I think you can find them on sharecg but i am not sure where I picked them up.
Hope this helps.Here it is:
Thanks, Tramp Graphics. You da bomb. :)
Im another potential buyer for more realistic ethnic morphs and textures. Hell, im desperate to buy ANY realistic but non-Idealistic characters for Genesis. By this I mean Quirky and unique looking.
Too many female character morphs seem to fall in to the 'cutsie' trap of having those exadurated large eyes and small mouth, sure they might win all the beauty constests', but to me, that look has been overdone to the point that it sadly looks rather generic. There are many V4 characters like this at Rendo, pages and pages of them, they are indeed very pretty - but they just dont jump out at me anymore, as they are lost in sea of over- familiarity.
Its when I see a character that makes me think - 'wow that actually looks like someone I might pass on the street' that it sails straight in to my cart. Characters built of photographs of an actual person tend to do better at accomplashing this.
I second to all of what you've suggested! I reckon a Genesis Evolution Part II would be fantastic!!! I'd buy it straight away!
I really want to see more sliders for both expressions and individual morphs such as new noses, eyes, ears, wrinkle morphs etc. You can never have too many of these options!! I'd also like to see some more developed claw morphs (A bit like sabretooth in Wolverine Origins film, they're what I call human claws!)
I think the torso needs more additional morphs too such 'Lesser developed' shaping sliders (Younger people who aren't built muscularly have MANY different body details/shapes, that you can't always get from the current muscle morphs.) Again, we need morphs for the elderly as well.
I don't want to see FULL head or FULL body morphs which are all too common now, they have less uses in my opinion... I find the separate individual morphs/details are what I use MOST when creating characters. Full head and body morphs can restrict originality and creativity. When I use full morphs, it's only as a base figure to work with.
I missed this topic,,,
thanks R_Kane,,
I need more realistic but not,, not ,, so perfect real,, like ethnic 3d game character morph and texture, too.
(I understand sometimes texture whici fit to the character is more important,)
( some ethinic morph and texture for gensis in rendro,, I recommend. ) (but most of them is girl morph)
of course I hope new morph,, like this picture,,sorry not realistic??
these photo is KOEI and TECMO game character,,
I do not hope copy at all and not to CM of products, just example of type. ^^:
so something different about,, ethnic female shape in daz shop,,
A5 & H5 ARE coming already. (I've even seen sneaked-in featurings of H5 in a couple products ;)) Laura & Luke, and Kids (directly), along with She-Freak, are discontinued characters. Though, I myself wouldn't mind seeing Gen 2 become legacy morphs, myself. By the way, V2 & M2 are merely V1 & M1 with morphs.
As for things like Ethnicity and and Aging as well as updated hair and efficient Autofit, big YES PLEASE!
Alas, Daz may have out done themselves with Genesis. With the support for Gen 4 (and most of its clothing) I'm afraid to buy a lot of morph because the packages I do have add so many morphs to the package it hard to keep track of them all. I fear that I'll end up with so many almost-redundant morphs... V5 added some much needed breast morphs but M5 didn't impress me much (thought the stuff that came with Pro-pack was a good value if you get it on sale.) Stephanie 5 was barely a blip to me...
That being said, I'd like to see the V4 and M4 Elite body shapes for Genesis.
Tri-Ax technology-using bat-wings for Genesis. Creature Creator wings for V4 are nice for background figures, but in general, the bat wings are kind of... ermmmm... so and so.
What comes to wing shape, would mightily like similar to those of MilSubdragon...
Pleeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Somebodeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. :lol:
I would love a skin for someone who has tons of freckles and a few moles etc.. Both genders and BOTH light and medium brown skin tone. There is a lovely skin someone on Runtime DNA made of a girl who has lots of freckles and I would buy it, but it, but I only really want genesis stuf. She looks like a normal to h girl type. But perfect contrast to your perfect girls. I like the blemshes and freckles. and such.
I would like some more mid-tone skins. Finding dark or caucasian is easy, but finding those who are mid-range is tough. So light caramel, shell-tan would be lovely. Especially male. I don't need morphs. I can make my own. But I'd love some skins. But please don't just take a caucasian skin and make it beige. There needs to be skin shine and highlight and as much attention to detail as paid to fair skinned models.
I'd love a darker skinned hispanic/mexican character for genesis.
Sunburn, blush, freckles, moles, which can be applied and moved to different parts of the body.
I'd actually like some small breast morphs that work. I've tried dialing the chest size down, and really, they still look rather huge.
I'd like a morph that make it appear the character is wearing a bra or a tube top UNDER the shirt. I don't really always want chest definition in my characters and sometimes it looks really silly to have the shirt super clingy.
Panty lines/boxer lines. Sometimes it seems odd the characters wearing such skintight clothing without this.
Facial creases. Better crows feat, lines around the mouth, nose, temple, scowl lines, frownlines.
Veins in the face around the temple for your angry body-builder types.
Real eyebrows that raise and lower, and can be posed.
skins that are non-traditional. Sky blue, purple, patterend. Something suitable for aliens characters,. Should be appealing too. I like the PD LEO skin from Renderosity because there is a nice leopard pattern, but looks nice. And comes with a plain option.
More expressions for male genesis. Too many expressions are made for v5, but look odd on Michael because of the way the mouths can look. I'd love a male expression set.
ya ya,,,
1. I hope the breast and sholder morph to fix the shape when arms up .
it is not so beatufil ^^;
2 about some products clothings which has sleeve, (armor or shut,,)
if I bend arms to down and foward to back, around under arms mesh often corrupted,
so if i set my character morph, the wear must be poke through when she down her arms.
I can make the morph for correct it, but I hope products which need not make morph to adjust shape for many poses.
I think it need not JCM or MCM, just need morph for adjustment freely adjust shape for many pozes.
3 new and must request,,, hat and cap set which can fit to many hair!!
sporty caps,,cop caps,,, future caps decorated hats,, etc,,
so hope artists who made and sold hair,, plan to make caps and hats which fit to each hairstyle,,,
(or Free present Item??!!! @@;b)
As far as actual skin tones, how many people opt to use V4/M4 skins on Genesis? That tends to be what I do but admittedly a lot of the skin tones I have hover somewhere in the middle of the realism <--> stylized scale so that might not be as useful for more realistic skin textures. However, a blush/freckle/blemish add on pack would be a rather brilliant product.</p>
That's me. The majority of skins I own are m4/v4. I like them- mostly... But there can be problems. Sometimes they don't look as nice as the ones developed for genesis or they aren't as detailed. I don't use m4/v4 so sometimes when I buy the m4/v4 models, I feel I waste money, because I don't use the character's morphs, only the skins... I wish to tell the creators... I only want the skin, not so much the character... HEH.
I would like a simple skinpack useable in genesis with high-res skins.
I've also had problems with skins that are in the middle-tone range. I'm not sure why, but creators put less highlights in them, and they tend to just look beige. I'm not sure why, but I don't know anyone with beige ken-doll skin....
This is an example of a skin I really like with freckles and blemishes. Something like this for genesis would be nice!
Nicola is a nice one and the fact she has a larger-than-a-dime nose makes me quite happy. She has character. She is a beauty but not a rubber-stamped, frankly-run-of-the-mill , more perfect than human could almost ever be female figure where here, in the world of 3d, is a major accomplishment. I would love to see some more character morphs and characters with...well... character. *smile*
GASP! You don't like Same Face Syndrome in rendered characters? Such blasphemy!
I know... I am gonna go straight to DAZ Hell, aren't I?
So... does this mean y'guys would buy a lady who looks like this? Skin is temporary (Niara's), as it is the closest approximation to what I eventually plan to use (except of course there's some serious twist to the whole thing, but the character morph is pretty much usable for anyone).
Yes, I would purchase if there was a complimentary texture which really set her apart. I think she is quite pretty but more normal.
You may want to take a look at the Normal Challenge I put up.
Normal ... make it and render it. Render, morph and texture challenge with prizes! [CHALLENGE!]
Speaking for myself, I buy models mostly for the skins. So... It would depend on how the skin looked whether I would buy it. The facial features are less important than the look of the skin, and whether I can use it for other things effectively.
...she's going to be a bronze-dragonblooded human. :) So there will be pretty scales mixed with human skin, here and there. :)
I may just if there will also be included a human texture too. Especially one with some imperfections included. Perhaps she has a normal human guise? *smile*
I'll have to see what I can do, since right now I'm working on getting my morphs right; skinning will come a loooooot later. :)
Yes. And no. And maybe.
While the face is normal compared to normal people, it's different from the mass cloned V4 template that's so prevalent. She looks nice though. The "no" is from the fact that I'm leaning more towards buying for textures since I dial spin morphs nowadays. I feel I'm hovering close to my texture threshold since I'll gladly mix and match across genders if I think it looks right. The "maybe" is because I still see interesting stuff to buy, plus I like to vote with my dollars and support something that looks like a good product.
Sorry if that was utterly unhelpful.
Oh no, that was helpful all right. 'Cuz I'm pretty much like that -- I'm a dialing monkey, I love to play with sliders.
Well, I have a mini list of sorts of midtone skins:
--Shayla and Sadira Rose by SpookieLilOne. You may want to ask her what lighting she uses. I have both and Shayla seems to fluctuate a fair bit based on the light. Attached a Shayla render I was just messing around with.
--RecieCup’s Renderosity store and personal site. I have the Payne skin plus several of the freebies from her site. Well, actually more than that but Payne seemed the most suited for the topic at hand.
--xilia78 seems to have good stuff as well but I haven't bought anything yet so I can't directly vouch for them. I can vouch for SASE ROz, especially since she comes with two skin textures.
--Age of Armour's Paola is free and looks nice as well.
Lovely render! And Shayla is on sale right now for a great price 6.50 I like the movement and lighting in that picture! Great work!
These three products are also all middle-skin tones that daz has and are on my wishlist, but I haven't bought them yet, because they are a touch expensive and possibly may suffer from beigeness without a lot of skin detail. . Without better screenshots its tough for me to see what the skins look like in detail and close. But they are well done, so maybe if they do ever go on sale I might buy them...
But these textures can be used by Genesis with no issues.
So what do you want to see for Genesis that isn't there now?
Or is there a problem implementing these textures for Genesis I don't know about?