hi there. first post!
i just rigged (well, somewhat) my first figure in DAZ (or elsewhere), which i modelled and textured in sculptris. everything fine, but now i'd like to upload it to sharecg or the like, and im a bit confused about how should i sort files and folders. i mean, i have a .duf file, but i'd like to place the figure in a runtime directory tree so people can intall it in their own runtime -- yknow, geometries, libraries, etc. how can i achieve that?
i don't really know much about how the runtime folders actually work -- until now i always used DAZ just to help me with illustrations and so, and whenever i downloaded anything i just extracted the zip/rar to my runtime directory, and never really cared about where they ended up as long as i could access them through the editor. sometimes i had to change the location of some particular file, but im generally rather apprehensive when it comes to mess with the runtime stuff, lest i screw something.
thanks in advance!
The Runtime tree is for Poser-format content - unless you changed to Parameteric when creating your figure in the Figure setup pane you don't want that. Assuming that you have saved as a support asset you need the \Runtime\Textures folder for any textures used, the .duf for loading, and the \Data\Authorname\Productname\Item folder for each figure or prop. If you haven't saved as an asset, go to File>Save as>Support Assets>Figure Prop Asset; the names you enter for author and product set the names used for the folders in the Data folder.
hey that was fast, thank you very much! i'm checking my downloads and everything makes sense.
man this app is so vast it's a bit intimidating sometimes -- not a complain tho! seems to me i'll be diggin this forum a lot ;)
i'll givvit a try and let you know how it worked (i'm repainting the texture yet again -_-)