Question on DzProductAssetContainer.addAsset

If I select an asset in the content library and use “create product from”, I can add my asset to any existing product.
If I use DzProductAssetContainer.addAsset(), I can only add assets to products that I have created manually.
How can I add an asset to any product regardless of whether it was created manually or installed?
Vendor data vs. user data, with the complications hidden when using the UI?
It works via DzAssetMgr.createProductFromAssets() ... but now I can't remove the asset from the product via DzProductAssetContainer.removeAsset().
I am not seeing an addAsset member - there is an insertAsset member.
Sorry, my fault. The insertAsset() won't work for any product. DzAssetMgr.createProductFromAssets() will work for any product ... but now I can't remove the asset from the product via DzProductAssetContainer.removeAsset().
Do other members of DzProductAssetContainer work as expected?