Lycan G9
Posts: 506
So, thoughts on the wolfie?
To me, he'd pretty good from waist up. However, the digitigrade legs are far too long and make him look unbalanced and in some poses he starts floating. Any pose that requires squatting, the Lycan just air-sits XD
The add-ons look fine, though I wish we had the option of choosing what his feet look like.
Post edited by Eboshijaana on
He's pretty good. And if you get both bundles there's a gigantic amount of customization you can do with him. Pretty nice and at a great value.
Even though it's not my type of content, I do like it/him. Might be a future purchase. I'm not sure.
With the deleting of Pro Bundle SKU'S to create Character/Add-On Bundles, changes have been made removing odd items, making the theming more appropraie.
Now.... someone has a need to dress anthopomorphs in trench coats, Lycan has one just like Lahr had
Plain odd? or is it the same outfit?
It's a similar style, but a different outfit.
Not impressed. This is a far superior looking werewolf IMO
Is there a werewolf / lionman that wear these type of outfits in some famous fiction?
I think the Lahr version is supposed to be reminiscent of the Blacksad comics.
Did Mada have time to make a zoot suit?
I'm here to report that he plays well with the Filatoon eye geometry. I didn't get the hairy bits so someone else will have to look into that.
100% Lycan 9 Head
100% Lycan 9 Body
100% Lycan 9 Plantigrade Body
100% Body Muscular Details
100% Eye Iris Size Larger
45% Toon Iris Oval
40% Toon Hero Head
I love him! I really would love to know what morphs are used for this promo image
Hi FantastArt,
These are the morphs I used...not much to it just worked out to be a good combination of elements.
M3D LFC Claws 01 @ 100% + Arcturian @ 100% + Lycan 9 Textures
Fur Body: LI Wolfsbane Fur - Fullbody + LI Wolfsbane Fur - Mane V1 + LI Wolfsbane Fur - Elbows + LI Wolfsbane Fur - Hands + LI Wolfsbane Fur - Torso Upper
Fur Tail: LI Wolfsbane Fur - Tail Base + LI Wolfsbane Fur - Tail Tuft
That mix is stunning!
hahah That's not something I expected to see when I woke up this morning. :P
Thank you 3Diva :)
think it was the op that mentioned the zoot suited wolf from the classic Ted Avery cartoon of course The Mask movie too used the The Q Suit for Genesis 8 Male(s) and a retextured cowgirls hat, him playing the saxaphone made me think of the saxaphone guy from Lost Boys pop into my head
I got Lycan because it was a steal, both bundles cost me about $27.00 in total (no each). That was a steal.
All Howl The Lycan
I'm just a Daz+ member so don't have access to the female version though you do get female elements. Used Victoria 9 skin/body altered hips and breats then morphed the Lycan form in and other Lycan elements the wolfs are the Dire Wolfs used some of the other dog breeds/expresions to them gave one a kinda weird mouth but think that adds to the monster aspect of the wolves
One of the biggest problems with Lycan is that its legs are very finicky.
Here's the pose on a regular G9
And here it is with Lycan shape applied
It seems like the correctives on Lycan prevent it from having the typical digitigrade 'sandwich legs.' Which means it instead FLOATS XD
I wouldn't expect a pose for the base to work without modification on a shape like Lycan - or are you saying it cannot be modified after application due to the limits?
I think the correctives on Lycan prevent it from squatting or taking any pose where the thigh and lower leg touch each other.
This is typically how digitigrade feet behave when squatting. (Using the phenotype digi morph.)
In Lycan, the legs go horizontal.
I say this is an issue with its corrective, because if I pick any pose where the legs don't fold Lycan poses just fine.
Yes, I just found getting that kind of pose troublesome too.
I'll try to see if I can get the poses to look better.
minotaur 6 and think few others had that problem too seems to be the way with those kinda legs gotta put in extra work when posing sometimes
Wow, thank you so much ! I got to try this out. I think there are endless possibilities if you mix him with other characters.
No probs at all :) - I certainly agree with that :)