Setting the default timeline interpolation to linear

Yep. I know [believe] this has been answered before and a script, or rather a link to a script or maybe some scripty instructions, was posted. I used to have such a script, it was called "setliinear.dsa" and I ran it as the startup.
Oops, I deleted it.
So, despite (or because of?) my stupidity I'm starting a new discussion where some kind person will tell me where the script is or, indeed, quote the one (IRC) line in it.
To be fair to myself I've spent the last half of a day trawliing the fora and plumbing the depths trying to find the angelic script. No luck. What I hope is that this topic will at least show up on Google search for those who need the same thing.
Or maybe it was my imagination? Curious; I never imagined that I could imagine something that actually worked!
This might help you see what needs to be done to recreate what you had, or maybe take its place.
I don't think this script changes the DEFAULT, though.
I thought we had been given a script method to set the default, but my searching is not turning it up - sorry.
I was looking in al the wrong places, thoughI ddi think it was in Scene
Scene.setDefaultKeyInterpolationType( DzProperty.InterpLinear );
should do the trick.
is this documented?
The same change log entry does say "Updated public API documentation; DzScene, DzFloatProperty, DzFloat2Property, DzFloat3Property" but I cannot find any refrences in so it may be that the update hasn't rolled live yet, possibly a site issue.
Ah, many thanks. That's it and, yes, it does mostly work. I've seen one case where I did a create-keys and somehow ended up with TCB set but I tried to repro this and everything came out Linear. I was looking on DzApp since I thought it was an app default but I've just checked the DzScene documentaiton and, no, it's not documented:
I think it may be necessary to set the option in the "post open" script to make it reliable; I had it set in both my startup script and the "new" script so maybe when it didn't work I'd loaded an old scene. Since it is on DzScene I assume it is stored in saved scenes.
I didn't find it in the change log because I didn't go back that far. The "search forums" box above does not help either - I tried all sorts of things including searching for Interpolation (which gets lots of matches but no of them seem to be the comment you made about the change.)
Hey thanks for this info - cheers!
- Greg