Deleting DIM downloaded install packages ...

I have 1200 install packages saved by DIM after they were installed.  I want to remove them to make space on my C: drive. 

Q: Is there a way to safely delete those old packages without uninstalling all content through DIM, then setting the delete after installation toggle on, then re-installing all content?


  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,191

    In the installed tab, select the products you want to delete. Then right-click and select 'delete all selected'. It might pay to make a copy to an external drive - if you do uninstall at a later date you'd need to re-downlaod otherwise.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    That's probably the easiest way...

  • thrain9thrain9 Posts: 103

    Thanks for the info. copying to a thumb drive or alt storage is a very good idea.

    Many items I use I do Not want to delete, I just want to get rid of the install file download.  Those are in a file somewhere in the DIM folder, rather than DAZ Studio folders.


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Selecting and right clicking will bring up a context menu...Delete Packages will just delete the downloaded install package.

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