Hermite Interpolation

There is Hermite interpolation in dazscript, but setting it's params will not work as expected
Also is not available in UI, is hermit deprecated?
Post edited by MehdiZangenehBar on
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There is Hermite interpolation in dazscript, but setting it's params will not work as expected
Also is not available in UI, is hermit deprecated?
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Do you really mean Hermit, or is it Hermite?
Enumerated values for the type of interpolation to apply for a given key.
LINEAR_INTERP - Linear interpolation between key values.
CONSTANT_INTERP - Constant interpolation between key values.
TCB_INTERP - TCB (Kochanek-Bartels) Spline interpolation between key values.
HERMITE_INTERP - Hermite Spline interpolation between key values.
And what happens when you try to use Hermite?
i am not able to create attached curve using any param input
var node = Scene.getPrimarySelection();
function frame_to_time(frame)
return new DzTime(frame * Scene.getTimeStep());
function add_hermite_key(control, frame, value, param0, param1, param2)
control.setValue(frame_to_time(frame), value, DzFloatProperty.HERMITE_INTERP, param0, param1, param2);
var z_rotate_control = node.getZRotControl();
add_hermite_key(z_rotate_control, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
add_hermite_key(z_rotate_control, 60, 90, 0, 0, 0);
Do you get an error? Does the timeline graph not change?
No error.
Param2 is for TCB, not Hermite, so does not effect at all.
Changing second keyframe will not effect the curve at all. (it will effect the curve between next key)
So the only parameters that has effects are param0 and param1 of the first key.
Param0 will effect left side of the curve. So value 0.1 will create the tangent, but problem is we have a strong overshoot that we can't control it.
If we try to lower the overshoot using param1, right side of the curver goes down, but can not correct the overshoot.
in conslution, there is not possible way to create a (Bezier) curve like the reference.